Year 14
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
English |
The aim of the Programme of Study is to continue to recognise the need for recovery work, this year focusing on social communication skills, understanding of relationships and life beyond school, including the world of work. In addition, work will target building confidence writing for a range of purposes including making links between the notion of the writer and their audience. Through engaging with a wide range of texts, students will explore character, plot, key events and themes related to traditional and modern fairy stories and folk tales. They will engage with appropriate PSHE issues linked to a range of relationships including an understanding of ‘real’ and ‘fantasy’. Students will also engage with the changing nature of roles in society associated with gender at an appropriate level. Students' work will be accredited through the AQA Unit Award Scheme; units have been written to provide opportunities for students to develop their Reading, Writing and Speaking, Listening & Communication skills towards their next step exam. Units are available at Level 1, Entry Level and Pre-Entry Level. Each group will engage with a range of texts most appropriate for them in terms of engagement and theme. In addition, students will build skills, confidence and independence applying gained knowledge to examination units. At Entry Level, Step Up To English units selected this year are Component 1: Leisure and Next Steps + Component 2: Myths & Legends. The number of units completed by each group will vary depending on how near their next step qualification the students are. Functional Skills English Level 1 and 2 students will be engaging with examination Reading and Writing past papers and using Fairytales Reloaded as a stimulus to complete the Speaking, Listening & Communication component of their examination work Cycle 3 - We will be studying themes around The Island. We are currently in Cycle 3 (2022/23). Responding to the theme ‘The Island’ – [Cycle 3] The aim of the Programme of Study in Key Stage 5 is to continue to recognise the need for recovery, this year focusing on building confidence applying core literacy skills to a range of different tasks with greater consistency and independence whilst developing engagement and curiosity to learn. This is Year 3 of the recovery programme we have been running for our KS5 students. Social communication skills will also continue to be a focus; this project provides a wide range of opportunities for paired, small group and whole group challenges. We are seeking to build confidence working independently with peers, solving problems related to the real-world and building transferable life skills linked to life beyond school and the World of Work. PSHCE and cross-curricular learning opportunities will continue to be taken to support recovery and greater understanding of themselves and others, this work to include developing their ability to predict and risk assess in a range of situations. In addition, the units will provide extended learning opportunities to engage with current issues such as climate change and conservation as well as nurture their creative thinking and ability to imagine and tell a story. Student work will be accredited through the AQA Unit Award Scheme at the appropriate level. In addition, students will build skills, confidence and independence applying gained knowledge to examination units. At Entry Level, Step Up To English units selected this year are Component 1: Holiday and Component 2: Exploring. The number of units completed by each group will vary depending on how near their next step qualification the students are. Functional Skills English Level 1 and 2 students will be engaging with examination Reading and Writing past papers and using ‘The Island’ as a stimulus to complete the Speaking, Listening & Communication component of their examination work. |
ENG Cycle 1 P2 KS5 SoW FCS Heroes & Superheroes ENG Cycle 1 P2+ KS5 SoW FCS Heroes & Superheroes ENG Cycle 1 P3 KS5 SoW FCS Heroes & Superheroes ENG Cycle 2 P2 KS5 SoW FCS Fairytales Reloaded PreEntry + S1 ENG Cycle 2 P2+ KS5 SoW FCS Fairytales Reloaded Entry S2 + G ENG Cycle 2 P3 KS5 SoW FCS Fairytales Reloaded Level 1+ ENG Cycle 3 P2 KS5 SoW FCS The Island ELC PreEntry + S1 |
Maths |
Pupils are grouped in classes based on age, ability and previous accreditations achieved. Work is differentiated for pupils and they are encouraged to work as independently as possible. Learning within maths utilises spiral learning, so key concepts and skills are retaught each time to counter regression and then to increase difficulty. Pupils are given the opportunity to generalise the learning outside of the classroom and apply these to real life situations outside of Meadow. Pupils will only be entered into an exam if deemed suitable and appropriate by the Maths Faculty Leader and Class Teacher. |
GCSE (WJEC) Foundation (accredited) Edexcel Functional Skills Level 1 (accredited) Life Skills 1 Year SOW Consolidation Learning 2 Year Cycle AQA Entry Level 2 (2 years - accredited) AQA Entry Level 3 (2 years - accredited) Everyday Maths 2 Year Cycle |
Maths KS4_5 cover page Entry Levels Maths KS5 Consolidation Entry Level Cover Pages Maths KS5 Everyday Maths Cover Pages |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Learning Intention: Environmental Awareness. How the actions of humans affect the environment and awareness of environmental issues which affect lives. |
Learning Intention: How the actions of humans |
Learning Intention: Preparation for Work. Challenges The skills and qualities needed for working life and personal career opportunities and job roles |
Learning Intention: The skills and qualities needed for |
PHSE Curriculum Cover Sheets |
LIfeskills |
Within the Life Skills curriculum, 6th Form students are given the opportunity to explore 6 different subject areas to further enhance their independence skills and in preparation of their future career choices. The 6 areas and their aims are:
Road Safety: AQA Preparing Information for a Day in London |
Personal Care: AQA General Home Maintenance 71437 |
World of Work: -Applying for a Job -Exploring Job Opportunities |
Home Management: AQA Setting up Home Costs70315 |
Childcare: AQA Care of the Newborn | |
Adult Care: AQA Dementia Awareness 111681 |
Computing |
Subject Area: Employability in ICT Project Titles: Emails/passwords, effective searching, Excel - editing and formatting techniques The main aim of this unit is to expose students to developing skills in ICT that can prepare them for employability in their use of electronic technology. Students will work through the unit completing focused activities in groups and independently to: Learn how to create a Gmail account; send, receive, reply and forward a message; create a new contact and a contact list; and open, save and send an attachment. Identify the characteristics of strong passwords. During this unit, students will learn how to search effectively for information using search engines, applying search terms, and how to assess the suitability of search results. Students will also work towards gaining an understanding in using spreadsheets, inputting data and writing formulas to calculate the totals. |
Computing Curriculum
Computing Cover Sheet - KS5 - Term 1 |
PE |
This option is for Students who have an interest in participating in sport/leisure activities. Students who choose this option follow a programme of study that allows students to participate in a number of Leisure activities. Activities range from leisure activities such as Golf and Volleyball to Badminton and fitness. Students may also be able to make suggestions for activities to participate in. Activities will take place off site as much as possible. •Non accredited course. •One double lesson per week. •No theory, all practical lessons |
Moving Onon carousel with BCA and Innov8 |
When learning about Moving On, students will increase their understanding of the different options available to them when they leave school. They will become more confident and prepared for life after school as they will gain the knowledge and skills required to make informed choices about their life. The overall intention is that students become as independent as possible when looking after themselves, their home and make informed choices about their life and know how and where to seek support when required. |
BCA College Placement |
BCA (Berkshire College of Agriculture) offers a rotational course for year 14 students to support their transition onwards from Meadow. They are supported by Meadow staff and transition termly to innov8 where they will take part in the following Preparing food for and feeding animals Caring for animals Supporting agriculture tasks Taking part in a host of environmentally friendly activities |
Innov8, Home Management, College Placement |
Innov8 offer a rotational home management course for year 14 students to support their transition onwards from Meadow. They are supported by Meadow staff and transition termly to innov8 where they will take part in the following home management skills: Changing a fuse in a plug socket Identifying hazards Repairing damages Creating bespoke items eg planters / bird boxes Students gain skills and confidence through transitioning to a different setting and responding to different staff members, preparing them for life after Meadow. |
Art & Design |
6th Form Accredited Options:Art & Design
Course Title: Art and Design - GCSE and AS Level Accredited Exam board: WJEC and AQA
How is it taught ? 2 hours 40 of Art per week, 3x 12 week projects per year Depending on ability students will follow one of the following courses:
Course overview: This exciting yet challenging course is designed to develop pupils’ independent thinking, analytical and conceptual making skills. They should meet all skill and writing ability requirements to access the course. The course teaches both set projects and also allows for pupils to select their own projects from a range of Exam board topics. Pupils learn a wide range of Fine Art skills and Graphic communication skills, experiment with a broad variety of media, Art technology and learn to review and critically analyse their work and the work of other artists. Pupils should select this course if they are considering a career involving the Arts or have a real passion for following sustained personal projects. The course has a significant written element and should only be selected by pupils who have the ability and interest in writing about their ideas and other artists' work. For more information: Please click the attached links to see the Scheme of work cover sheets or contact the Arts Faculty Leader via the school email or phone number |
Curriculum Cover Sheets
Year 6 O1.1 Art Options Cover Sheet |
6th Form Art Enrichment Option:Art and Design for Pleasure |
Course Title: Art for Pleasure - Enrichment Art. Exam board: This is a 1 year course with a non accreditation focus. AQA unit Awards at Entry Level -Level 1 are also offered, if extended over a 2 year cycle and if pupils meet the Submission requirements. The qualification is nationally recognised and is 100% coursework. How is it taught ? 1 hour 20 (2 periods) per week, 6x 6 week fun projects per year Course description: A fun, creative interactive course which focuses on pupils ability to use Art as a method of communication. The course aims to develop pupils': social, team building and life skills applicable for the world of work, aiming to improve employability and developing passion for Art as a hobby, there is also a therapeutic leaning to some activities. Students choosing this Art and Design option in the Sixth Form should have a passion for the Arts and Design. They should enjoy experimenting, trying varied wet and dry materials and learning new techniques. For more information: Please click the attached links to see the Scheme of work cover sheets or contact the Arts Faculty Leader via the school email or phone number |
Curriculum Cover Sheets
Year 6 E1.1 Enrichment Cover Sheet |
ConstructionDouble Options |
Btec Level 1 Construction The course is designed to give students the knowledge required to carry out various construction trade related tasks. The main areas covered by the course are- ● Plumbing ● Bricklaying ● Carpentry ● Painting and Decorating Students have the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience and skills in a realistic learning environment through various practical tasks and assessments. The students will also learn about the structure of the construction industry, health and safety and sustainability |
ScienceDouble Options |
Option 1: GCSE Biology - This GCSE is for students that enjoy science and have an inquisitive mind with a keen interest in Biology. Units covered: 1. Cell biology 2. Organisation 3. Infection and response 4. Bioenergetics 5. Homeostasis and response 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution 7. Ecology 8. Key ideas Option 2: Science Enrichment - This is an non accredited course based on the GCSE Biology framework. This course is for students that would like to explore and expand their knowledge in Biology in a practical way. |
Science Curriculum Cover pages | ||||||
CateringDouble Options |
The key learning intention is to provide learning opportunities that reflect the catering/working environment as much as possible and enable the learners to raise their awareness of the working world and understand job roles within the catering and hospitality industry as well as develop their cooking and customer service skills. Alongside practical skills, learners should work towards their Food Hygiene and Safety Certificate at Level 1or 2. |
HairdressingSingle Option |
Course Title: Hairdressing (accredited where appropriate) The Hairdressing department at Meadow High School focuses on our learners developing skills and knowledge in a practical skill set. This therefore supports their ability to encounter real life situations and to work in a realistic working environment. This course has been created to provide experience to widen basic industry skills, with a focus on communication and client care. This is a bespoke course that develops the pupils’ learning and personal growth in a nurturing and supportive environment. Learners develop excellent communication skills, build practical skills in a multiple sector environment and help them prepare for progression and employment within the hair and beauty sector. These skills can lead to a successful career in the hairdressing industry. The hairdressing lessons involve interacting with a variety of clients who each have their own likes and dislikes, and an important part of the hairdresser's job is to actively listen to and communicate with each client both verbally and non-verbally. This course applies to those who have a keen interest in working within the hair and beauty industry. |
HorticultureSingle Option |
Course Title: Horticulture Our vision is for horticulture to inspire our pupils and encourage them to be inquisitive about the world. Working outdoors on the school allotment nurtures our students’ innate curiosity and enables them to develop a range of skills that are useful across their learning both now and in their future lives. We offer: Level 1 Award in practical Horticulture that include: Unit 102: Plant container grown subjects- 3 credits- Mandatory unit Unit 108: Plant flower bulbs for naturalisation or bedding- 2 credits Unit 123: Sow seed indoors in containers- 2 credits |
Course Title: AQA Unit Award- HISTORY Exam board: AQA Course overview: Students choosing history should have an interest in the past and enthusiasm for the subject. We will focus on analysing key historical events and developments to better understand the modern world. History develops many skills such as independent and analytical thinking, working with evidence and understanding events from the point of view of others. History reinforces and aids other subjects, especially English. You will learn anything from the below units: ● Black History ● Second World War ● Hitler and the Nazi Party ● First World War ● Women’s History |
MediaSingle Option |
Course Title: Media Studies Entry Level/Level 1 Exam board: AQA Course description: The courses available to Media Studies in Sixth Form for students will depend on the class group, the school time table and student ability. Media Studies gives students the chance to develop a critical understanding of the role of the media in daily life. It encourages an understanding of how to use key media concepts when analysing and producing their own work. The qualification is nationally recognised and is 100% coursework |
Resistant MaterialsSingle Option |
Course Title: Resistant Materials Entry Level Exam board: NCFE Course overview: The courses available to Design and Technology Resistant Materials in sixth form for students will depend on the class group, the school time table and student ability. How are units assessed? Students will have the opportunity to attain qualification for NCFE and differing levels eg Entry Level 3 to Level 1 and 2 qualification. Design and Technology Resistant Materials in sixth form for students will depend on the class group, the school time table and student ability. Who is it suitable for? This qualification is designed for learners who want an introduction to art and design (which lends itself towards Resistant Material) that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to progress to further study. |
Resistant Materials Cover Sheets
KS5 Entry Level - NCFE Creative Art Level 1 |
PE (Leisure)Single Option |
This option is for Students who have an interest in participating in sport/leisure activities. Students who choose this option follow a programme of study that allows students to participate in a number of Leisure activities. Activities range from leisure activities such as Golf and Volleyball to Badminton and fitness. Students may also be able to make suggestions for activities to participate in. Activities will take place off site as much as possible. •Non accredited course. •One double lesson per week. •No theory, all practical lessons. |
MFLSingle Option |
Course Title: Signalong for Learners Exam board: Signalong Course description Students in Key Stage 4 + 5 have the opportunity to work towards a qualification that recognises their existing signing and communication knowledge as well as build on these important skills. They will be required to perform and recognise signs initially and then at Entry 3 perform, recognise and repair signs performed by others. At Level 1 students are required to develop a greater repertoire of signs linked to the Signalong Phase 1 manual as well as a greater understanding of core Signing skills and ‘Total Communication’, Level 2 is a further development of this work. Student work is accredited through Signalong at either Pre-Entry, Entry Levels 1 - 3 or Level 1 and Level 2. The level of course would be matched to a students ability with a view to developing skills to allow them to progress through appropriate levels. |
Sport LeadershipSingle Option |
In KeyStage 5 we offer pupils the chance to study Sports Leadership. It is a registered awarding organisation for sports leadership qualifications and awards, with the vision “for every young person to realise their potential.” This course is aimed at pupils who have a particular interest in sport and may want to pursue careers within this subject area. The aim of this qualification is to provide basic skills and experiences in leadership that are taught in a sporting context in order to prepare learners to lead a simple sports activity for a small group. |
The course last two years and pupils will work towards achieving; A learning to lead certificate Level 1 Qualification Level 2 Qualification |
Vocational Pathways |
We offer a wide range of Vocational Pathways (VPs) to all Sixth Form pupils as part of their curriculum so that they can learn and develop essential employability skills for their increased independence. Most of these skills are transferable to other working environments. All these pathways are run under close supervision and guidance of our experienced staff. Students participate in VPs once a week as per their school timetable. Pupils attend these VPs on a rotational system. Each pathway lasts for one full term and gives students an opportunity to trial different vocational experiences. These pathways are a mixture of on site and off site learning experiences. | |||||
Onsite VPs - Creative Crafts technology (new from September 2023), Crunchy Munchy (mixture of on site and off site), teaching assistant, site team, enterprise, general cleaning, library/reception, office/admin, car wash, minibus cleaning, tuck shop, hairdressing, bike maintenance. Off site VPs - Animal care. horticulture, grocery assistant, care home. |
Work Experience |
We offer external work experience to our students who are confident to work in the local community and are able to make more independent travel arrangements. These individual work placements are provided in a safe learning environment such as local garden centres, cafes, shops, libraries, primary schools and so on. These placements are term-time only and with a minimum of four hours per week (one day as per the school timetable). Students get support from the trained job coaches as required. | |||||
Enrichment |
Enrichment runs Friday lesson 5 and 6 . During this time it allows students the opportunity to experience activities that are not usually available to them. It allows them to develop their own interests and hobbies that they can continue to access at home, in the community or as they move on to other settings. Our students will be mixing with peers outside of their tutor class and year groups so that they can make new friends and mix with a variety of students and different staff which will promote social skills, communication skills and coping with change. Most importantly, we are offering students a safe and secure environment to take on new opportunities with supportive staff relationships, so that they have the confidence to attempt new things |