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- Wk 14 Themed Activities for the Holidays - Leisure 20 July - 28 August
Wk 14 Themed Activities for the Holidays - Leisure 20 July - 28 August
Here are some tasks we hope you will enjoy. Please scroll down and select the tasks appropriate to your child.
BLUE COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at Pathway 1 pupils as well as pupils who prefer more interactive activities and require a higher level of support.
GREEN COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils in the main body of the school.
PURPLE COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge
If you prefer, you can download and print off the sheets by clicking on the attachments at the bottom of the page.
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Blue coloured tasks are aimed at Pathway 1 pupils as well as pupils who prefer more interactive activities and require a higher level of support. These are tasks we hope you will enjoy, please select the ones you feel are most appropriate for your child. |
Thinking |
Literacy FocusBuilding confidence
Speaking, Listening & Communication, Reading and Fun Holiday Activities Resources: Come and collect FREE bag of soil and seeds from school. Powerpoints - W10 Leisure Jasper’s Beanstalk BLUE as W10 Leisure Biscuit Goes Camping BLUE as Videos - 2 x signed stories - Biscuit Goes Camping [Mrs. Sugden] Instructional - Miss Lennon teaches how to plant a seed Focus: Observational skills- take photos / draw your plants as they grow - email to meadow@meadowhighschool.org and we will put them on the website. Focus: Teamwork - take photos / draw the camp or den you made. If you want to you can list the things you used so that others can have a go too! email to meadow@meadowhighschool.org and we will put them on the website. Signed Story video - Biscuit Goes Camping:
Signed story video - Jasper's Video
Information video:
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Maths Focus
If you are at home, move around in different rooms and find objects with these shapes. You could play with a parent, sibling or carer and compare your answers with them.
Science Focus |
Music Bottles Task: Create a water xylophone and explore the science of sound. ●Explore the sounds- Do they sound different? ●Can you hear a high and low pitch? ●Does the amount of water change the sound ?
What you will need: -5 identical bottles (or jars or glass cups) -Water -Spoon -Food colouring (optional)
Website: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/science/sounds-great--bottled-music/ https://www.adabofgluewilldo.com/water-glass-xylophone/
What's happening: Changing the amounts of air and water in the bottles lets you change the pitch—how high or low the sound is. When you blow across the tops of the bottles, you're making the air inside vibrate. In bottles with more air, vibrations are slower, so the pitch is lower.
Creativity |
Create a video game character Attached: PDF - Create-A-Video-Game-Character-Activity-Sheet
Tropical Granola Lollies - Simple fruity lollies that count as one of your five-a-day, topped with rich dark chocolate and crunchy cereal for a moreish frozen treat. Link:https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/tropical-granola-lollies
Here are some brilliant website for you to look at different recipes that you may choose to make: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/school-holiday https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/summer-family https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/fun-recipes-for-summer-vacation/
Drama / Arts / Music
Art: Task 1: Watch video - Just Dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G74_o_43_RQ Task 2: How did the video make you feel? Select and draw the emoji
Task 3:Listen to the song again and this time see if you can dance in time to the music. Who can you ask to dance with you? Task 3: Draw the things make you happy Other ideas for wider learning 1. Try the different holiday colouring activities
PDF - Underwater PDF - Piglet PDF - Sandcastle
2. Listen to the summer songs, sing along and sing about what you like to do in the summer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVhh0oATqBI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyzJtGRZWwM
3. Hand print Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNhfGyi0Hwo Play musical status and sleeping lions to your favourite song
We hope you enjoyed the Arts Activities
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
The PE staff have uploaded lots of videos of circuits training or challenges to the youtube channel. Have a look and have a go. Keep active! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVlu1D0XnL-bwjaXIzbZxQ/videos
ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE
Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it.
Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew
Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames
Fitness Blender: Build your own circuit training session https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos
Lawn Bowling: Find 10 empty bottles and arrange them into a triangle. With a ball or rolled up socks roll/throw the object to knock down as many “skittles” you can in 2 rolls/throws. 1 game is made up of 10 turns (2 rolls/throws each turn). Count up your total score and see who wins.
Target Throw: Find 5 containers (they can be the same size or different sizes) and roll 5 pairs of socks up. Place the containers in different spaces and give them points based on how difficult they will be. Take a turn to throw the rolled up socks into the containers and count up your points.
Just Dance: If you like dancing or just want to keep moving. Use Just Dance’s youtube page and enjoy their videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Vlhde7N5uGDIFXXWWEbFQ
Using your leisure time to keep active is a way of creating and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Find ways to enjoy keeping active!
Can you participate in some kind of activity that raises your heart rate for 30 minutes per day |
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Green coloured tasks are aimed at |
Thinking |
Literacy FocusMaintaining and building key skills including communication skills and confidence ready for September. |
Speaking, Listening & Communication, Reading and Fun Holiday Activities Resources: Come and collect FREE bag of soil and seeds from school. Powerpoints - W10 Leisure Activities GREEN as Videos - 1 x story - Horrid Henry’s Holiday [Full Text] read by Miss Barratt Instructional - Miss Lennon teaches how to plant a seed Remember: Take photos / draw the camp or den you made. Take photos / draw your seeds as they grow. Email meadow@meadowhighschool.org and we will put them on the website
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Maths Focus
PDF - Emoji Code Breaking Sheet 1
PDF - Emoji Code Breaking sheet 2
PDF - Emoji Code Breaking Sheet 3
PDF - Emoji Multiplication Mosaic 1
PDF - Emoji Multiplication Mosaic Sheet 2
Science Focus
Task: Making ice cream in a bag! There is actually a lot of interesting chemistry that goes on behind making ice cream. How do the ingredients change during this process? How important do you think it is that they are cooled to a certain temperature? How does the salt cause the ice to melt? Record your observations on the worksheet What you will need:
Website: https://www.sciencebuddies.org/stem-activities/ice-cream-bag#summary
https://aroundthekampfire.com/2020/01/ice-cream-bag-changing-matter-experiment-second-grade.html Recording worksheet: PDF - Recording worksheet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-cVjZBMBNNXdTFWaC1XNTd6bE0/edit
Creativity |
Pass Time Think about your favourite pastime activity. Is it sports? Making art? Going to the park? Brainstorm what you like about the activity and then write a blog styled piece on Word or by hand describing the activity and your favourite memory with it Mobile Device - Wordsearch Attached: PDF - Mobile devices word search Holiday Pizza - The latest in our cooking with kids series looks at kneading, rolling and sauce skills- then let your child build their own pizza from their favourite toppings Link:https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipe/summer-holiday-pizzas Here are some brilliant website for you to look at different recipes that you may choose to make: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/school-holiday https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/summer-family https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/fun-recipes-for-summer-vacation/
Drama / Arts
Task Focus: Learning to draw body poses Information: Art: Keith Haring was a famous American Graffiti Artist who liked to draw people who looked like they were moving. Do you like to do lots of things and keep active when you are on holiday? What sort of leisure activities do you do? Look at the image below: What are the figures doing? Task 1 Describe his style- Simple lines and pattern, bright colours, body poses Task 2: Draw dancing figures and add colour. Task 3: Put on some American music you think Keith Haring might like, pretend you are on holiday at the beach! Task 4: Can you draw someone at home while they hold a pose? Then colour in the figure Remember to thank them, how long could they hold a pose for, did you time them? Materials you will need: You will need:Pencils, colour pencils or felt pens Task Helpful link to follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7SnDuPX_JA Keywords: Simple lines and pattern, bright colours, body poses Other wider Learning 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i1XD2yN4Ug Watch the clip Yellow submarine, can you draw a submarine?
2. How to make a Paper hot air balloon mobile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lOdTb5A6aw You could bend a coat hanger or adapt plastic lid if you don’t have a fabric hoop
3. Watch the link for some fun Summer craft ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7-okRDbdok
We hope you enjoyed the Arts Activities
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
The PE staff have uploaded lots of videos of circuits training or challenges to the youtube channel. Have a look and have a go. Keep active! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVlu1D0XnL-bwjaXIzbZxQ/videos
ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE
Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it.
Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew
Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames
Fitness Blender: Build your own circuit training session https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos
Lawn Bowling: Find 10 empty bottles and arrange them into a triangle. With a ball or rolled up socks roll/throw the object to knock down as many “skittles” you can in 2 rolls/throws. 1 game is made up of 10 turns (2 rolls/throws each turn). Count up your total score and see who wins.
Target Throw: Find 5 containers (they can be the same size or different sizes) and roll 5 pairs of socks up. Place the containers in different spaces and give them points based on how difficult they will be. Take a turn to throw the rolled up socks into the containers and count up your points.
Just Dance: If you like dancing or just want to keep moving. Use Just Dance’s youtube page and enjoy their videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Vlhde7N5uGDIFXXWWEbFQ
Using your leisure time to keep active is a way of creating and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Find ways to enjoy keeping active!
Can you participate in some kind of activity that raises your heart rate for 30 minutes per day? |
WellbeingUseful links offering support and discussion: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/
MAKE TIME TO STAND UP TO STIGMA Objectives: • To help students feel a part of wider movement tackling mental health stigma and discrimination • To inspire students to take the campaign message out into their community Resources: ‘Week 4 make time to stand up to stigma’ ‘Week 4 Powerpoint Final’ Task: Work your way through this very reflective activity and think about how you can change the stigma! These activities can be done individually or as a family.
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Purple coloured tasks are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge . These are tasks where pupils should be working with greater independence, however please take time to support pupils in starting the tasks and build communication skills. |
Thinking |
Literacy FocusMaintaining and building key skills including communication skills and confidence ready for September. Focus on reading, writing and following a sequence of instructions. |
Speaking, Listening & Communication, Reading and Fun Holiday Activities Resources: Come and collect FREE bag of soil and seeds from school. Powerpoints: W10 Leisure Holiday Activities PURPLE as W10 Leisure Research Project PURPLE as Videos - Instructional - Miss Lennon teaches how to plant a seed Remember: Take photos / draw the camp or den you made. Take photos / draw your seeds as they grow. Send us your research project Email meadow@meadowhighschool.org and we will put them on the website
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Maths Focus
Science Focus
Crystal Candy Rock Task: Create candy rock crystals and watch them grow! -Observe what happens over time - Can you think of why this happens? (evaporation? precipitation, saturation?) Equipment:
Website https://www.growingajeweledrose.com/2015/02/rock-candy-experiment.html https://sciencebob.com/make-your-own-rock-candy
What's happening: What makes the crystals grow? You have a supersaturated solution that is unstable (in this case, sugar) more than can stay in a liquid form—so the sugar will come out of solution, forming what's called a precipitate. Water evaporates over time and the solution becomes more saturated and sugar molecules will collect on the seed crystals on the string. The rock candy crystals grow molecule by molecule. Your finished rock candy will be made up of about a quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) molecules attached to the string. |
Creativity |
Poster Activity ICT has impacted our leisurely activities as it has developed through time. From being able to communicate better and introducing new technology for fun, such as, gaming consoles, exercise machines etc. - Have a read about how ICT (pages 1 to 6) has changed and impacted lifestyles with the link provided https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z4s39j6/revision/1 - Create a poster and illustrate 5 ways that ICT has changed our lives. - Do you think it is positive or negative and why? Mobile devices - have impacted our leisure and lifestyle from the way we connect via social media or text, to how we can easily take pictures to capture a moment. Read the information in the link below and answer the questions on the worksheet on how mobile devices have developed over time. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z4p4jxs/revision/7 Attachment: PDF - MOBILE DEVICES research and questions worksheet Jelly and Custard Trifle Tart - Create this retro jelly and custard trifle using cheat’s ingredients. It’s a completely make-ahead dessert, so ideal for a stress-free get together. Link:https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/jelly-custard-trifle-squares Here are some brilliant website for you to look at different recipes that you may choose to make: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/school-holiday https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/summer-family https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/fun-recipes-for-summer-vacation/ |
Drama / Arts
Task Focus Learning to make predictions when reading an image and colour with a limited colour range Information: Reading what might be going on in an image requires some observation and imagination. It is good to practice. Degas was famous for his pictures of ballet dancers, look at his soft use of colour. Art: Edgar Degas Look at the image below: What type of dance do you think the girl is going to do? Task 1: Draw a light outline of the figure Task 2: Add detail using a pencil. Add colour using only blue, brown and black pencil.
Materials you will needs:Pencil, blue, black and brown colour pencil Task Helpful link to follow: Watch the clip and discuss where Degas was from, how did Degas start his drawings of his Ballet class? Degas for kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzL1nOXZI-I Keywords:Degas, predict, limited colour range, Blue, Black,Brown
Other wider Learning 1. How to make a Paper hot air balloon mobile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lOdTb5A6aw You could bend a coat hanger or adapt plastic lid if you don’t have a fabric hoop
2. Listen to the relaxing music and try designing summer themed letters or developing the beach seen with pattern and people Staying out for the summer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umD_GwXnArA 3. How to make corner bookmarks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajPnqLqvqqM
4. How to make a magic card https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQRorab922I
We hope you enjoyed the Arts ActivitiesLooking forward to seeing you in school again in September |
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
The PE staff have uploaded lots of videos of circuits training or challenges to the youtube channel. Have a look and have a go. Keep active! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVlu1D0XnL-bwjaXIzbZxQ/videos
ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE
Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it.
Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew
Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames
Fitness Blender: Build your own circuit training session https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos
Lawn Bowling: Find 10 empty bottles and arrange them into a triangle. With a ball or rolled up socks roll/throw the object to knock down as many “skittles” you can in 2 rolls/throws. 1 game is made up of 10 turns (2 rolls/throws each turn). Count up your total score and see who wins.
Target Throw: Find 5 containers (they can be the same size or different sizes) and roll 5 pairs of socks up. Place the containers in different spaces and give them points based on how difficult they will be. Take a turn to throw the rolled up socks into the containers and count up your points.
Just Dance: If you like dancing or just want to keep moving. Use Just Dance’s youtube page and enjoy their videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Vlhde7N5uGDIFXXWWEbFQ
Using your leisure time to keep active is a way of creating and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Find ways to enjoy keeping active!
Can you participate in some kind of activity that raises your heart rate for 30 minutes per day? |
WellbeingUseful links offering support and discussion: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/
MAKE TIME TO STAND UP TO STIGMA • To inspire students to take the campaign message out into their community
‘Week 4 make time to stand up to stigma’ ‘Week 4 Powerpoint Final’