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- Wk 10/11 Themed Activities 15 June-26 June 2020 Transport
Wk 10/11 Themed Activities 15 June-26 June 2020 Transport
Here are some tasks we hope you will enjoy. Please scroll down and select the tasks appropriate to your child.
BLUE COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at Pathway 1 pupils as well as pupils who prefer more interactive activities and require a higher level of support.
GREEN COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils in the main body of the school.
PURPLE COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge
If you prefer, you can download and print off the sheets by clicking on the attachments at the bottom of the page.
Transport |
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Blue coloured tasks are aimed at Pathway 1 pupils as well as pupils who prefer more interactive activities and require a higher level of support. These are tasks we hope you will enjoy, please select the ones you feel are most appropriate for your child. |
Thinking |
Literacy FocusBuilding language
Speaking, Listening & Communication, Reading and Writing: Resources: links in the powerpoints to different types of transport to watch + talk about. No internet, no problem - story and task sheets on the powerpoints below… Powerpoints: W8 Transport Story + Tasks BLUE as [signed story]
Maths Focus
Which bus has the most passengers in the end?
Science Focus |
Task 1: Balloon powered car experiment - A fun and hands-on science experiment. You could make 2 of these cars and race them! It contains details of what you will need, along with step-by-step instructions on how to carry it out. There is also a prompt card to promote discussion and exploration. Key words: Balloon , Force , Air, Distance Equipment: Toy Car, Straw, Balloon, Sticky Tape, Scissors
Task 2: How fast can a car go? - To find out how the height of a ramp affects the distance travelled by toy cars released from the top. Starter:Watch the video clip below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96fbm7XAFwg What you will need:Toy cars,books or boxes, cardboard paper or a wooden plank Plenary:
Creativity |
Task: Make race car hot dogs! - Here is a fun, creative recipe that not only looks good but tastes yummy too. You can change the hot dog to a veggie alternative too. Link:https://eatingrichly.com/race-car-hot-dogs/ Task: Using PowerPoint and the Internet to copy and paste images Aim: for pupils to search the internet for images of transport and create a Powerpoint presentation.
Pupils to copy and paste images and create a page on PowerPoint for each mode of transport. Pupils can also type the key features of each transport on each page. Pupils can present their work to their family once complete. Task: Using shapes on Word to make pictures - Pupils to use Word and insert shapes to create pictures of transport. Pupils to insert different shapes and then change the size of these and fit them together to make different modes of transport. Task:Cooking Skills - Practise knife skills by copying some of these transport themed foods. Be careful. Always have an adult with you.
Drama / Arts / Music
Task Focus: Making a newspaper hot air balloon.
Task Helpful link to follow: https://iheartcraftythings.com/newspaper-hot-air-balloon-craft-for-kids.html Key Information: Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Although I’m not sure I could handle the heights, I’ve always dreamed of how fascinating the experience would be. The watercolour painted newspaper hot air balloon craft for kids is so cute and perfect for summer. Kids will love getting creative by drawing unique and special designs on their hot air balloon craft. You will need: · Newspaper · Liquid watercolours (but any paint will do) · Paintbrush · Blue and white card (if you have different colours make it a · Brown paper lunch bag. · Fun chalk markers or felt pens · Scissors · Glue Keywords: hot air balloon, newspaper Instruction: 1. Start by painting your newspaper with your liquid watercolours. Let the newspaper dry overnight. When it is dry, cut out a hot air balloon shape. 2. Cut clouds out from your white cardstock paper and glue them onto your blue cardstock paper. Then glue your hot air balloon top onto your paper on top of the clouds. 3. Cut a hot air balloon basket out of your brown paper lunch bag and glue it under your hot air balloon. Use your brown marker pen to connect the hot air balloon and basket. 4. Finish your craft by using your Fun Chalk Markers or felt pens to decorate your hot air balloon.
Other Wider Learning Task: Transportation crafts - Link: https://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/transportation/crafts.html https://youtu.be/Jv22CKVJSas Vehicles Transportation Song for blue https://youtu.be/okq0ux8de70 Wheels on the Bus and Vehicles |
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
The PE staff are uploading videos of circuit training or challenges every week. Have a look at this week’s videos and have a go. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVlu1D0XnL-bwjaXIzbZxQ/videos
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Now that you have worked really hard to make your hot air balloon why not do this fantastic hot air balloon breathing exercise with lots of fun yoga moves. Follow the link below and turn your living room into a yoga disco!!! ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it. Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames Changing Gears: 1st gear: slow walk; 2nd gear: fast walk; 3rd gear: jog; 4th gear: run; 5th gear: sprinting; Handbrake: freeze. In an open area you must move around at the speed of whichever gear is called out to you. You should see the different speeds you can move at. Make sure you avoid obstacles and other people. |
Cross CurricularPSCHE |
PSHCE: Safety using transport
Task 1: Find out why we ask you not to stand upstairs on a bus Link: http://media.tfl.gov.uk/top-deck/index.html Task 2: Explore making safer choices about how far back to wait when using public transport Link: http://media.tfl.gov.uk/waiting-distance/index.html
Transport |
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Green coloured tasks are aimed at |
Thinking |
Literacy FocusBuild language and story sequencing skills making links between events and the character’s feelings. Develop close reading skills, using evidence from the text. Developing imagination and creativity through design challenge and extended writing task. Signing & Communication Link: Zones of Regulation linked to feelings and language to talk about change and transition.
Speaking & Listening, Reading + Writing: Resources: range of video links in the powerpoint for Horrid Henry, Go-Kart Challenge and Harry Potter the Knight Bus. Powerpoints: W8 Transport Harry Potter the Knight Bus Videos: Miss Barratt reading Horrid Henry’s Car Journey [3 x videos] Mr. Brady reading Harry Potter the Knight Bus
Miss Barratt reading Horrid Henry (3 clips)
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Mr Brady reading Harry Potter - The Knight Bus (1 clip)
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Extension Work: Mrs. Sugden - Zones of Regulation + emotion signs
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Maths Focus
When out on your daily exercise, take a look around and tally which different transport you see. Answer the questions below
Science Focus
Task1: Design a zip line that can carry passengers Link:ttps://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/us2-s-45-zip-line-stem-teaching-ideas
Task 2: Bicycle riding aerodynamics - (please complete with adult’s agreement and supervision) Link:https://www.twinkl.com/resource/t-he-050-bicycle-riding-aerodynamics-activity-sheet?sign_in=1
Task 3: Plasticine Boat Buoyancy - To build a plasticine boat and complete notes on upthrust. What to do: Build a boat out of Plasticine that can support as many small objects as possible. Think about how you can make the Plasticine float easily and how upthrust affects the boat.Experiment with different shape boats to find out which one works the best. Key words: Boat, Float , Upthrust, Weight, Force, Sink Equipment: Plasticine, Water, Little objects Link:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/plasticine-boat-buoyancy-investigation-6162684
Creativity |
Task: Make traffic lights “lollipops” snack! - This recipe is a fun chocolate treat that is simple to make Link:https://planningwithkids.com/2012/09/30/traffic-light-party-treats/
Task: Computing - logo design - Social media is used to transport information all around the world, enabling people to keep up to date with the latest news and with each other. Your task is to design a logo for a new social media app called ‘Connection’. Look at the different social media logos for ideas. Attached: PDF - Transport - Social media logo design
Task: Newspaper Article - Write a newspaper article about a modern form of transport powered by technology. Research and describe its features and how it transports people. You can type this up using Word or design one by hand. Remember to include a title, information and pictures. Examples of modern transport: planes, trains and automobiles.
Drama / Arts
Task Focus: Making transport from recycled materials Task Helpful link to follow: https://www.meadowhighschool.org/page/?title=Home+Engagement&pid=662 Key Information: All over the world children make toy vehicles out of recycled packaging. Can you find items in your recycle bin and around the house that will help you make a vehicle. What can you use for the body? Do you need wheels or does it fly? Use the link and pictures to help you decide what you want to make. You will need an adult to help you get started You will need: Packaging-bottles, lids, boxes, paper, card etc.. Cellotape, Scissors, Glue, (you may wish to paint it at the end or add stickers) Keywords: Recycled Materials, Vehicle, Wheels, Body, Plane Train Car Truck Lorry Bus Instruction: 1. Pick what you will make 2.Find your materials and packaging. 3. Plan your design 4. Make the design 5. Play a guessing game, can you make the sounds of the transport? Then see if you can guess what the transport is? 6. Say what you did well.
Other Wider Learning Task: Transportation crafts - Making a paper/card Train Engine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o87p1DLbAG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek4xOGTnRRI How to draw and paint a Lightning McQueen Car https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S06iaW7Cq9wo With Adult support! How to make a toy plane from Lollipop sticks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur97l9Ci0mg Make a Mobile car |
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
The PE staff are uploading videos of circuit training or challenges every week. Have a look at this week’s videos and have a go. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVlu1D0XnL-bwjaXIzbZxQ/videos
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ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE
Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it.
Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew
Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames
Measuring speed: Distance, Speed, Time
Investigate what your speed is at different distances.
Wellbeing Useful links offering support and discussion: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/ |
Make Time For Me Using the PDF and powerpoint discuss how we can make time for ourselves to do something that makes us feel good. Read through the Make Time for Me list. Explain that these are all ways that people can help themselves feel better when they’re feeling low or having a tough time. Some of them can help contribute to feeling more healthy physically and mentally (though, just as with physical health, sometimes people will get mental health problems even if they do all these things). Make a poster to include all the things you like to do that makes you feel good. Links: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/ How Many Positives Individual/family task: In this task we want to think about all the positives we have to be grateful for. Use the PDF ‘How many positives’ to guide students and family through the activity. Links: https://youngminds.org.uk/
Cross Curricular
PSHCE/ Geography: Travel and Tourism Task: Travel and Tourism activity pack ( ppt, teaching ideas, worksheet) Link: https://www.twinkl.com/resource/ks2-tourism-resource-pack-t2-g-2567184
Transport |
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Purple coloured tasks are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge . These are tasks where pupils should be working with greater independence, however please take time to support pupils in starting the tasks and build communication skills. |
Thinking |
Literacy FocusLiteracy Focus: Build Signing & Communication Link: Zones of Regulation linked to feelings and language to talk about change and transition.
Speaking & Listening, Reading + Writing: Resources: video links the powerpoint . Powerpoints: W8 Transport Descriptive Writing PURPLE as Videos: Miss Barratt reading Horrid Henry’s Car Journey [3 x videos] Mr. Brady reading Harry Potter the Knight Bus Extension Work: Mrs. Sugden - Zones of Regulation + emotion signs Miss Barratt reading Horrid Henry (3 clips)
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Mr Brady reading Harry Potter - The Knight Bus (1 clip)
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Extension Work: Mrs. Sugden - Zones of Regulation + emotion signs
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Maths Focus
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh7xpv4 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsxhfg8
Science Focus
Task 1: Make COKE AND MENTOS ROCKET CAR! - This demonstration unleashes the power of candy and soda to propel a rocket car. Link:https://www.scienceworld.ca/resource/coke-and-mentos-rocket-car/ Task 2: Fastest Animal - Put the following animals in order of their speed-highest to lowest. Answers: Task 3: Speed - Measure the speed of a trolley down a ramp and use the formula to calculate speed Video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6K-F9Bjl8s Which variables affect the speed of a toy car? What you will need: • metre ruler or tape measure • toy car • ramp/or some cardboards • blocks • stop clock
Method A) Set up the ramp as shown. Put a cushion at the end of the ramp to catch the car.
B) Measure the height and length of the ramp. Write the numbers here: Height ________________ cm Length _________________________ cm C) Measure the time taken for the car to roll down the ramp and write it in the results table under Time 1. D) Repeat the measurement twice more. E) Repeat steps B to D with different ramp heights
1a. Calculate the mean time for each height by adding all three results together and dividing the answer by 3. 1b. Now calculate the speed for each ramp height.(distance /time) 2. How does the height of the ramp affect the speed of the car? Evaluation 3. How reliable were your results? (Hint: how close were your repeated results to each other?) 4. Suggest one way to improve your investigation
Creativity |
Task: Make “no bake” train cake! - A no-bake cake that magically transforms into a train when all of the pieces are put together. It’s a show-stopper of a treat. Link: https://www.annabelkarmel.com/recipes/no-bake-train-cake/ Task: Transport challenge - Computing and technology has transformed the globe, including transport. Create a timeline using one of the available templates to show how transport has developed through time as technology has developed. Below is an example of one of the templates You can choose one type of transport to focus on for the timeline. Below are two useful websites to help you complete the task. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaLCQo8NJFA Link: https://www.scienceforkidsclub.com/cars.html Attached: PDF - Blank Timeline Template |
Drama / Arts
Task Focus: Design a warning sign or poster helping people keep safe on public transport. Task Helpful link to follow: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-safer-travel-guidance-for-passengers
You Will need: Pencil, Paper and Colouring Pens. You can paint it if you like Key Information: Designers create art by working to a design brief. You are going to pretend you are a designer and you have been asked to create a fun poster encouraging young children to stay safe when using transport. Remember you need a title- e.g. Help Stay Safe! You need instructions- e.g. Do stay at least 2M away from other. Remember wear a mask. You need a logo/picture to help people see what it is about and look at your poster.. Keywords:Transport, Train, Bus, Plane, Taxi, Safe, Mask, 2 Metres Instructions: 1 Look at the example poster and link on government guidelines 2. Pick the type of transport your design is for 3. Plan your Title, logo-drawing and key information 4. Colour your design in bold colours which will attract attention. If you use opposite colours on the colour-wheel together they stand out better. These are cold Complementary Colours
Other Wider Learning Task: Transportation crafts - Painting a plane contrasting colours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eYITrhQPpE Fun Fluid Art- try this with knotted string and paint to create movement in your painting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMBJRAfAvmI Fun Fluid art with String https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMLPw6DGHAc
One point perspective high ability https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3fRwrZhiMg Two Point Perspective- High Ability |
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
The PE staff are uploading videos of circuit training or challenges every week. Have a look at this week’s videos and have a go. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVlu1D0XnL-bwjaXIzbZxQ/videos
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ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it. Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames Fitness Blender: Build your own circuit training session https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos Measuring speed: Distance, Speed, Time
Investigate what your speed is at different distances Pacing: Using what you have just used in the measuring speed task have a go at setting yourself a speed target and try to achieve it. E.g. 10m course 2m per second speed target Using the speed triangle: 10 ➗ 2 = 5 seconds So, your target is to run the 10m course in exactly 5 seconds. This will be trial and error and you will not get this straight away. Explore with different distances and different speed targets or even harder, can you repeat the same speed multiple times. This is a helpful skill to adjust your pace when racing in athletics or cross country. |
WellbeingUseful links offering support and discussion: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/
Make Time For Me Using the PDF and powerpoint discuss how we can make time for ourselves to do something that makes us feel good. Read through the Make Time for Me list. Explain that these are all ways that people can help themselves feel better when they’re feeling low or having a tough time. Some of them can help contribute to feeling more healthy physically and mentally (though, just as with physical health, sometimes people will get mental health problems even if they do all these things). Make a poster to include all the things you like to do that makes you feel good. Links: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/ How Many Positives Individual/family task: In this task we want to think about all the positives we have to be grateful for. Use the PDF ‘How many positives’ to guide students and family through the activity. Links: https://youngminds.org.uk/ |
Cross Curricular
PSHCE: Planning a journey Task1: Using a bus map worksheet Link: http://content.tfl.gov.uk/plan-journey-teacher-resource-bus-map-safety-citizenship.pdf
Task2: Know your area
Link: http://content.tfl.gov.uk/plan-journey-know-your-area-resource-safety-citizenship.pdf
Task 3: What to take with me on a journey
Link: http://content.tfl.gov.uk/plan-journey-helpful-hints-resource-safety-citizenship.pdf