School Letters Home
Meadow High School
Royal Lane, Hillingdon, Middlesex UB8 3QU
Telephone: (01895) 443310
Fax: (01895) 420925
Headteacher: Mrs Jenny Rigby
Please find below the latest school letters home. Scroll down to check. We are working towards making all letters home translatable. If you would like to read the letter in a different language please use the "Translate" button at the top of this website.
Autumn Term 2024
Letter from end July - School Meal price rises
24th July 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to advise you that there will be an increase in the price of school meals starting from the start of the Autumn Term 2024.
The school has not made any increase to the price of a school meal for several years. However, with the cost of food purchases being so high now, the school is unable to sustain this anymore.
The cost of a meal will increase to £2.50p in September 2024. There will then be a further increase to £2.65p in January 2025.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs. S Bean
School Business Manager
Letter to Pathway 1 Pupils - Reading in Pathway 1
4th September 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Reading in Pathway 1
Reading is a skill we continue to develop throughout our lives, but starting this process as early as possible has significant benefits for our continued success as readers. This is why, as parents and carers, you play a vital role in supporting your child in becoming a fluent reader who is confidently able to apply their reading skills across all areas of their lives.
The teaching of reading and reading comprehension within the classroom is only part of a child's learning, and the value that is given to reading at home is equally important. Research suggests that children who read regularly outside of school perform significantly better in school assessments and so your support at home is essential in ensuring that your child makes the progress they are capable of. You can help your child to achieve their full potential by listening to them read daily (for about 15 minutes), reading regular bedtime stories and by encouraging them to enjoy reading and sharing books together. Reading widely through all of these approaches will help develop your child’s vocabulary, which in turn will make them more confident when reading more challenging books.
Giving your child a choice over what they read is an important factor in boosting their enthusiasm for reading and children are more likely to be interested in books they have selected for themselves. Your local library is an incredibly useful resource in providing regular reading material for your child and best of all – it’s free!
In addition, they will come home with appropriately phased books, from our reading program ‘Little Wandle’ that they should be able to read with 80% fluency independently and their own choice of library book, to read together. To help us track how much reading your child is doing at home, it is important that you sign their reading record every time you have listened to them read, along with a brief comment. Your support with reading at home is essential and only by working together can we ensure your child achieves their potential as a reader. If you require any further guidance regarding reading, please ask your child’s class teacher. Thank you for your continued support and happy reading!
Pupils who are reading at both home and school are working towards rewards, including house points, book prizes, in school experiences and some exceptional pupils who have achieved significantly may be awarded trips to exciting literacy based locations such as the Roald Dahl Museum, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed chocolate making classes or to Harry Potter World. Further details will be sent at the end of the Autumn Term to pupils who are eligible to have achieved an award.
Mr Parker, our ReadingLlead, will arrange a parent session in the Autumn Term and a letter will follow with dates shortly.
Kind Regards,
Amy Willis Matthew Parker
Deputy Head Teacher Lead Teacher for Reading
Meadow High School- Pathway 1 Meadow High School - Pathway1
Sixth Form (Year 12. 13 and 14) - Sixth Form Contract
(Royal Lane)
September 2024
Dear Student/Parents/Carers,
Congratulations and welcome to Meadow High School Sixth form. I hope you are looking forward to the challenges and opportunities you will have while in Key Stage 5. Please find enclosed a contract for you to sign which indicates our expectations of a student in the Sixth form.
May I also take this opportunity to remind you of the conduct and dress code expected of 6th form students. Whilst you are not required to wear a school uniform, we would ask you to remember that you are representing the school. The dress of students should reflect that and be modest and tidy and include the following:
- Any colour shoes, boots or trainers
- Trousers including black jeans
- Shirt/Blouse with collar
- Plain t-shirt or with an appropriate logo
- Active wear or matching tracksuit, including black leggings
- Jumper, cardigan or blazer
- Skirts and Dresses (not short or low cut)
- Jewelry should be kept to a minimum
The following items are not acceptable in the Sixth Form:-
- Denim Jeans (other than black)
- Nails may be polished but must be no longer than 5mm
- Hats, caps and hoods must be removed when in the school buildings - no hoodies are permitted
- High heels are not permitted
If you fail to dress in the appropriate way we will try to provide the appropriate clothing or you may be asked to go home and change to clothes that we expect from students in the Sixth Form. If there is a problem with this please let your Form Tutor know.
On occasions, all members of the 6th Form will also be expected to raise their standard of dress to an “interview” level, such as wearing a tie, blouse, dress, skirt or other smart clothes.
In addition, all students are expected to be adequately equipped with stationery and other necessary resources at all times, and demonstrate maturity and respect for others. We have an extremely diverse community and are proud of our tolerance and acceptance towards others' differences and similarities.
If staff can be of any further assistance to you or your parents/carers as you settle into the Sixth Form, please do not hesitate to speak to one of us, or to contact us by telephone or letter to make an appointment. Your child’s form tutor should always be the first point of contact.
Mobile Phones
If students prove trustworthy and make sensible decisions, they may be able to use their phone at break and lunchtime to listen to music only. Social media, including facetime and whatsapp are strictly forbidden. With teachers' agreement, some students are able to use their phones for regulation purposes but these must remain in their pockets, not on the desk. Failure to comply will result in your phone being confiscated. Please note that year 12s will not be given access to their phones for at least the first half term and this decision will be agreed with the form tutor.
Lunch time privilege
In 6th Form, students are given the option of going out to the shops at lunchtime for 25 minutes. If they are not having school lunch they may have longer but they must be back in school for registration at 1.30. Please note that students will need to cross Royal Lane if they go to the shops. This privilege obviously depends on their behaviour and attitude within school and outside. If there is a problem, in school or outside, it may be necessary to withdraw this privilege. Please note that year 12s won’t be going out for at least the first half term.
We have new lockers available for your son / daughter’s use while they are in the 6th Form. They will need to bring into school a deposit of £5.00, which will be repaid when they leave school, on the return of the key. Should the key be lost, we will use the deposit to have a new one cut.
Local visits
From time to time your child will be given the opportunity to participate in local excursions for routine sporting fixtures, environmental studies, library, bowling, restaurant and shop visits etc. Students will be expected to take part in planning of the trip e.g. planning routes, making bookings etc to improve their independence skills. This is risk assessed and students will be accompanied by staff members. As part of the Vocational Pathways and Work Experience Opportunities, students may be required to attend some activities off site, which will be risk assessed and supervised by staff members.
Please note that all school leavers will finish school on Friday 27th June 2025 following a leavers assembly.
Please complete and return the following forms attached.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Fabisch
Assistant Head Teacher for 6th Form
Meadow High School
Royal Lane UB8 3QU
07851 254258
01895 443310
Membership of the Sixth Form Community at Meadow High School requires a mature and serious approach. My aim in being a member of the Sixth Form is to expand my educational experiences and gain deeper independence so I am better prepared for “Life beyond Meadow”. Therefore I agree to the following contract:
- Respect myself, my friends and staff members
- Maintain rules of the school
- Set an example to the lower school
- Communicate with my teachers and TA’s if I have any concerns
- Arrive on time to school, lessons & tutor sessions
- Stick to the uniform policy
- Use your regulation strategies to manage my behaviour
- Make a contribution to the school community by becoming involved in community service activities eg buddies, prefects, head students
- Take part in voluntary work as part of Vocational Pathways & Work Experience
- Use this wonderful opportunity to develop greater independence skills that you will need for “Life beyond Meadow”
I realise that failure to fulfill the above conditions will have serious consequences, and may result in my being asked to leave the Sixth Form community of Meadow High School.
Student’s name: ___________________________________ Signature: __________________
Parent’s / Carer’s signature: _______________________________
Form Tutor/Teacher’s signature: ____________________________
Head of 6th Form’s signature: ______________________________
6th Form Reply Slips
Student’s Name: ________________________________________ Form: _______________
I confirm that I have received the letter regarding the dress code and agree for my child to wear the appropriate standard of dress. I agree to my child wearing alternative clothing provided by 6th Form if deemed appropriate.
Signed _________________________________________ (Parent / Carer)
Signed _________________________________________ (Student)
Lunchtime privilege
I agree to my child going out at lunchtime
I do not agree to my child going out at lunchtime
Signed __________________________________ (Parent / Carer)
Signed __________________________________ (Student)
Phone privilege
I confirm that I have read the rules of phone usage at school and give permission for my child’s phone to be confiscated if they engage in inappropriate phone use as stated above
Signed __________________________________ (Parent / Carer)
Signed __________________________________ (Student)
6th form Lockers
I would like a locker to be provided and enclose a deposit of £5.00
(I understand that this will only be repaid when the key is returned to the school)
Signed ___________________________________ (Parent / Carer)
Signed ___________________________________ (Student)
Local visits
I agree that my child may take part in any short visits to local venues which may be arranged during their time at the school and that they will behave appropriately when representing the school.
Signed ___________________________________ (Parent / Carer)
Signed ___________________________________ (Student)
6th Form Reply Slips
Student’s Name: ____________________________________ Form: ___________________
In order to update school records, please complete the details below:
Telephone number: ____________________________________ (home)
Telephone number: ____________________________________ (mobile)
Telephone number: ____________________________________ (work) (please state hours of work)
Telephone number: ____________________________________ (student mobile)
In order to update school records, please complete the details below:
Please mention any medication that your child is currently taking, including OTC medication:
Please mention any medical conditions that your child has: