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- PACK 2 - Themed Activities - 18 January 2021 - Celebrating New Year
PACK 2 - Themed Activities - 18 January 2021 - Celebrating New Year
Here are some tasks we hope you will enjoy. Please scroll down and select the tasks appropriate to your child.
BLUE COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at Pathway 1 pupils as well as pupils who prefer more interactive activities and require a higher level of support.
GREEN COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils in the main body of the school.
PURPLE COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge
If you prefer, you can download and print off the sheets by clicking on the attachments at the bottom of the page.
Blue ThemeCelebrating New Year |
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Blue coloured tasks are aimed at |
Thinking |
Literacy Focus
Chinese New Year: Powerpoint - ‘Blue English Work New Year’ Writing: Powerpoint - ‘ Chinese New Year pp’ PDF - Chinese New Year - Writing Prompts
https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/chinese-new-year-early-writing- PDF - Chinese New Year - Early Writing Activities
Wordsearch: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-15703-chinese-new-year-story- PDF - Chinese New Year Word Search
Maths Focus
These Maths activities focus on developing skills needed to count money
PDF link - 1. Money WS Blue AddCoinsMedium.pdf
2. Identify the time on the clocks and write in the boxes PDF link - 2. Blue Hours12Clocks.pdf
3. Cut out the number cards and put them in order PDF links - 3. Number sequence Animal Cards.pdf
4. Use the sheet to play I Spy, try to count each item and put the total in the PDF links - 4.I Spy.pdf
5. Add to 10 by counting the pictures. PDF link - 5. Dragons-in-the-city-addition-to-10.pdf 6. Use adding and subtracting skills to find the correct letters PDF link - 6. To add and subtract 1 or 2 digit numbers to 30.pdf
7. Play the Powerpoint to sing along with the Chinese New Year counting Powerpoint link - 7. New-year-ten-little-roosters-song-powerpoint
8. Use the Powerpoint and answer questions on the 2 times table Powerpoint link - 8. 2-times-table.pptx
9. Use the Powerpoint and answer questions on Multiplication using pictures Powerpoint link - 9. Multiplication-sentences-using-pictures.pptx
Science Focus |
Healthy Eating - This activity is great to discuss nutrition and reasons behind Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t3-s-127-workstation-pack-healthy- PDF Resources - Science - Healthy Eating Activity - Blue Experiment: Mouldy Apple - Why not try this cool experiment on how over
Creativity |
Healthy Eating - Why not try some healthy recipes this new year. This lovely Here are some suggested recipes you could try:
Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/cfe-p-214-healthy-eating-recipe- PDF Resources: Caterpillar Salad Recipe - Blue
Here is the Arts Blue Theme Pack - Celebrating New Year
Listen to the New Year’s Baby Shark song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a26ZqjIebc Dance link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w&ab_channel=Pinkfong%21Kids%27Songs%26Stories Key Information: New Year's is celebrated with lots of fireworks, glitter and sparkle, this signifies Task Starter- Talk about the what people do to celebrate the New Year, discuss songs we sing and place we go to see fireworks.
Extension:Dance in time to the baby shark, dance using the props to help your Keywords:Prop Baby Shark New Year Celebrate Glitter Sparkle Movement Materials, colour pens/pencils, cereal box, glue stick, scissors sellotape, gloves, 2. LO: Learning to collage a 2021 New Year sign Listen to the New Year’s Action song, have a go joining in to the movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrdQDw3JRX4 Key Information: New Year's is celebrated with lots of fireworks, glitter and sparkle, can you Collage sign or banner to celebrate? Task Starter- Talk about the what people do to celebrate the New Year, And why they might make a sign or banner
Extension: Hold you sign and use it s a prop to dance to the song Keywords: New Year, Celebrate, Sign, Banner, Collage Dance Timing Materials: New Year template Sign, colour pens/pencils, glue stick, 3. Further Learning and useful links Making a shark fondant cake topper-you can also do this with Playdough Remember to Wash your hands! Use this link to practice your 3D making skills https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=H_8Ny_cfnYQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQS2LmlPz2A |
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
Joe Wicks: Youtube PE classes are coming back at 9am on Monday 11th January Joe Wicks – The Body Coach https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Just Dance 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g8_Jd49No4&safe=active
Can you perform each exercise correctly? Quick home workout circuit Star Jumps Lunges Press ups Plank Sit ups Level 1 – Complete 1 Round - Work for 30 seconds rest for 1 minute. Level 2 – Complete 2-3 Rounds - Work for 1-minute rest for 1 minute. Level 3 – Complete 4-5 rounds - Work for 1-minute rest for 30 seconds. Resources - PE New Years Word doc - Blue
Coronavirus: How to support your wellbeing at the moment The arrival of coronavirus has led to lots of changes to the way we all live Some of what you see or hear might sound confusing or scary, so it's normal to But it's also important to be aware of your feelings, and to look after your mental Here are some tips: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51896156
Vaccines The UK has become the first country in the world to approve one of the new
Humanities |
Here’s a great way for you to have fun learning about how different places Worksheet: new year's eve around the world |
Green ThemeCelebrating New Year |
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Green coloured tasks are aimed at |
Thinking |
Literacy Focus
Theme: New Year's resolutions:1. Reading: Read and learn about New Year celebrations and resolutions. - Powerpoint: Attachment 1, Attachment 2 - Reading comprehension: Attachment 3 2. Writing: Write some New Year's resolutions for 2021 - Worksheets: Attachment 4, Attachment 5, Attachment 6 - Wordsearch: Attachment 7, Attachment 7.1, 3. Speaking & Listening: Instead of making a resolution, a New Year’s wish is something you and your family can work towards throughout the year. Write down a few beautiful new year wishes for your family and read them out to them. Ask your family members to write down and read to you what they wish you! Discuss how listening to the wishes made you feel. Theme: Chinese New Year:1. Reading: Read and learn about Chinese New Year. Answer questions.
- Powerpoint: Attachment 9, Attachment 10 - E-Book: Dragons in the City https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-l-54364-dragons-in-the-city-ebook-english - Reading comprehension: Attachment 11, Attachment 12
2. Writing: - Write a sentence about each of the Chinese New Year pictures.Use the key words in the box to help you: Attachment 13 - Write the words in alphabetical order: Attachment 14 - Describe the setting: Attachment 15 - All about China writing/ research activity: Attachment 16 3. Speaking & Listening: - Dragons in the City Board Game: play the game with family, listen carefully and try to answer the questions. Read the story first! Attachment 17, Attachment 17.1, Attachment 17.2, Attachment 17.3 - Chinese Takeaway Role Play - play the game with your family. Listen carefully to orders and communicate well with your “customers”! Attachment 18, Attachment 18.1, Attachment18.2, Attachment 18.3
Maths Focus |
These Maths activities focus on developing skills needed to count money (adding coins) and tell the time, as well as basic number functions and word problems. Some activities are themed around the Chinese New Year and encourage fine motor skills while working on geometry. Number code problems support children to identify the correct function (+ or -) and find the corresponding letter to spell the Zodiac words.
PDF link - 1. Money WS AddCoinsMedium.pdf
PDF link - 2. Green Quarters12Clocks.pdf
PDF link - 3. Dragon-2d-shape-activity.pdf
PDF link - 6. Adding and Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers.pdf
Powerpoint link - 7. Multiplication-using-the-x-symbol.pptx
Powerpoint link - 8. Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit.pptx
PDF link - 5. Chinese-new-year-colour-times-tables.pdf
PDF link - 9. Multiplication-maths-challenge-cards.pdf
Science Focus
Healthy Eating - This worksheet helps encourage your children to reflect on what they eat and whether or not it's good for their health while providing a great writing activity. The first page asks them to talk about the foods they eat, and the second enables them to compare a model healthy diet with their own. Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/au-t-1058-australia---healthy-eating-food-pyramid-writing-activity PDF Resources: Science - Healthy Eating Pyramid Activity - Green Experiment - Firework in a Jar - As we have celebrated New Years why not try a firework experiment. A firework in a jar is totally safe, very easy and looks just like a firework without the bang and sparkle. Link: https://www.science-sparks.com/firework-in-a-glass/
Creativity |
CookingHealthy Eating - Why not try some healthy recipes this new year. This lovely resource pack provides a number of healthy recipe ideas to support teaching on healthy eating and nutrition while giving pupils an opportunity to have fun and be creative in producing healthy meals. Here are some suggested recipes you could try:
Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/cfe-p-214-healthy-eating-recipe-ideas-resource-pack?sign_in=1 PDF Resources:Harvest Hay Bale Recipe - Green Magic Wand Fruit Kebabs Recipe - Green Strawberry Smoothie Recipe - Green Chinese New Year Recipe Book - This book contains lots of lovely recipes, perfect for Chinese New Year! This resource can be used during cooking lessons, at home or even as an example of how to write and follow instructions. Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/au-t-2326-australia---chinese-new-year-recipe-booklet
Computing - Research on the internet about 5 facts on the chinese new year and present this in a PowerPoint Presentation. Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-4795-how-chinese-new-year-is-celebrated-photo-powerpoint
Drama / Arts
Here is th ARTS PACK - NEW YEAR - GREEN which you can download and print.
1. LO: Learning to organising a New Year’s Party Watch the clip to show you how to make the hat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DgwWoADvfY Party Games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJoPzHhe_Ck Key Information: New Year's is celebrated with lots of fun parties, did you celebrate this year? Why not organise your own new year celebration for your family? Task Starter- Talk to your family and ask them to join in your party
Extension: Play some party games, watch the clip and try making some of the activities together, be creative, if you don’t have skittle use plastic bottles! Keywords: New Year, Celebrate, Party Hat, Games, Materials: Paper, Double sided tape/ sellotape, Glue, Tinsel, Paper or thin card, Scissors, Stapler, Felt Pens 2. LO: How to make a wish spin drum for your party! Watch the clip to show you how to make the spin drum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU698ylJ2Q4 Music to play to -Kidzbop 2021 Key Information: New Year's is celebrated with lots of fun parties, many people like to use spin drums To celebrate as they make a lovely noise. Many people believe that by spinning the drum It grants our wishes that we make in the New Year! Task Starter- Talk to your family, ask them -can you make a wish spin drum with me, so it can help grant our wishes?
Extension: Play your spinner with music you like and use it at your party Keywords: New Year, Celebrate, Party Wish Spinner, Instrumental Beat, Music, Materials: 2 paper plates, string, sellotape, a stick, hole punch, paint , glue, beads Further Learning 3. Create a Poster for your New Years Party
Making an origami star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJmyK0TQFSE
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
Joe Wicks: Youtube PE classes are coming back at 9am on Monday 11th January to help you keep active during lockdown. Joe Wicks – The Body Coach https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Just Dance 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g8_Jd49No4&safe=active My Favourite Resources and Activities for Virtual PE at Home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGPF2YvWmlM&safe=active
Quick home workout circuit Star Jumps Lunges Press ups Plank Sit ups Level 1 – Complete 1 Round - Work for 30 seconds rest for 1 minute. Level 2 – Complete 2-3 Rounds - Work for 1-minute rest for 1 minute. Level 3 – Complete 4-5 rounds - Work for 1-minute rest for 30 seconds.
Can you perform each exercise correctly?
Resources - PE New Years word doc - Green
Wellbeing |
Vaccines The UK has become the first country in the world to approve one of the new coronavirus vaccines for widespread use. The arrival of coronavirus has led to lots of changes to the way we all live our lives, as well as lots of new rules about what we can and can't do. Here are some tips: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51896156
Humanities |
Task 1: Traditions around the world. Explore traditions people around the world uphold to ring in the new year with our New Year Traditions Around the World Reading Comprehension Activity. It's a great opening activity to open the door for further research and discussion of different cultures around the world and leads on to Task 2. Worksheets: New Year traditions around the world Task 2: matching activity Here’s a great way for you to have fun learning about how different places around the world celebrate New Year's Eve. This worksheet is easy to print and even easier to use: read the description of a New Year's Eve tradition and match it with the correct location where this tradition is commonly celebrated. Worksheet: new years eve around the world
Purple ThemeCelebrating New Year |
Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Purple coloured tasks are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge . These are tasks where pupils should be working with greater independence, however please take time to support pupils in starting the tasks and build communication skills. |
Thinking |
Literacy Focus
Theme: New Year's Resolutions:1. Reading: Story: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories by Ellen Robena Field https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/165/buttercup-gold-and-other-stories/2910/buttercup-gold/ - Powerpoint: Read and learn about New Year Celebrations. Answer questions.
- Reading comprehension:
2. Writing: - Writing activity for the Buttercup Gold story:
- Worksheets: Attachment 5, Attachment 6
3. Speaking and listening: -Ask questions to encourage each family member to share their own memory of a particular event or experience: Attachment 7
- New Year wishes: Attachment 8 Theme: Chinese New Year:1. Reading: -Powerpoint: Read and learn about Chinese New year: -Reading comprehension: Read and answer questions: 2. Writing: - Write your own and read poems, answer questions: 3. Speaking & Listening: - Chinese Takeaway Role Play - play the game with your family. Listen carefully to orders and communicate well with your “customers”! - To challenge yourself more, with an adult’s agreement, choose a local Chinese takeaway and order some food for the family over the phone. https://www.just-eat.co.uk/takeaway/nearme/chinese
Maths Focus
These Maths activities focus on developing skills needed to count money (adding coins) and tell the time, as well as basic number functions and word problems. Some activities are themed around the Chinese New Year and encourage word problem solving skills. Number code problems support children to identify the correct method and solve the corresponding clue.
PDF link - 1. Money WS Purple AddCoinsHardest.pdf
PDF link - 2. Purple clockstime.jpg
Powerpoint link - 3. Multiply-and-divide-by-6
Powerpoint link - 4. 9-times-table-and-division-facts
PDF link -5. Multiplication and Division.pdf
Clue 1: Count in multiples Clue 2: Multiplication questions Clue 3: Number riddles Clue 4: Addition and subtraction matching Clue 5: Missing fractions (Answer sheet included) PDF links - 6. Maths Mystery activity.pdf 6. Answers Maths Mystery activity.pdf
PDF link - 7. 2021-number-fact-challenge-worksheet.pdf
8. Answer word problem questions. You will need a piece of paper to do your PDF link - 8. multiplication-and-division cards.pdf
9. Following BIDMAS (above), solve the worksheet questions to find the PDF link - 9. BIDMAS colouring.pdf
Science Focus
Healthy Eating: Compare the nutrition labels on two products. Students look at the different areas on the label and locate information, they can then use this information to make a healthy informed choice! PDF Resources: Science - Nutrition Labels for Healthy Eating Activity - Purple Experiment - Firework in a Jar - As we have celebrated New Years why not try a firework experiment. A firework in a jar is totally safe, very easy and looks just like a firework without the bang and sparkle. Link: https://www.science-sparks.com/firework-in-a-glass/
Creativity |
Healthy Eating - Why not try some healthy recipes this new year. This lovely resource pack provides a number of healthy recipe ideas to support teaching on healthy eating and nutrition while giving pupils an opportunity to have fun and be creative in producing healthy meals. Here are some suggested recipes you could try:
Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/cfe-p-214-healthy-eating-recipe-ideas-resource-pack?sign_in=1 PDF Resources: The Enormous Turnip Vegetable Soup Recipe - Purple Chinese New Year Recipe Book - This book contains lots of lovely recipes, perfect for Chinese New Year! This resource can be used during cooking lessons, at home or even as an example of how to write and follow instructions. Link:https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/au-t-2326-australia---chinese-new-year-recipe-booklet Computing - Research on the internet about 5 facts on the Chinese new year and present this in a PowerPoint Presentation.
Here is the ARTS PURPLE THEMED PACK - NEW YEAR which can be downloaded and printed. 1. LO: Learning to print/paint New Years Fireworks!! Watch the clip to show you how to print fireworks with paint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaEeIgkxVuE4 Key Information: New Year's is celebrated with lots of fun parties, many people like to go and watch fireworks Task Starter- Talk to your family, ask them -Have you ever seen fireworks on New Year’s eve? Discuss where and when they saw them i.e. on TV, in central London etc.. and how the fireworks made them feel about the New Year!
Extension: Experiment with Paint and cardboard to create cool effects on paper Keywords: New Year, Celebrate, Watch, Fireworks, Glitter,Effect, Abstract Art, Bright Colours Materials: Bright coloured paint, 3x plates for paint, a range of glitter, Scissors, Empty Kitchen roll/toilet roll/a yoghurt pots or just pieces of thin cardboard to print with 2. LO: Learning to draw/paint People Celebrating New Years! Watch the clip to show you how to draw a man from behind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBNmIzIbY4g Key Information: New Year's is celebrated with lots of fun parties, many people like to go to an event and usually watch fireworks at midnight Today you will try and draw people celebrating New Year! Task Starter- Talk to your family, and discuss the historical paintings, how are they the same or different to celebrations you see nowadays? Discuss the work sheets, images of people and fireworks. What will your drawing or painting look like?
Extension: Add coloured wool to make your firework look more 3D Keywords: New Year, Celebrate, Party, Figure, Silhouette, People, Background Materials: Watch the clip to show you how to design a desk Calendar Desk calendar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSEt4ftPguA
LO: Paint, Colour Pencils, Pencil, rubber, Sharpener, waterpot, mixing tray, paint brushes 3.Wider Learning Lo: Design a calendar or 2021 poster for the new year 2021 is the Chinese New Year sign of the Ox,Bull or Cow. You could use the designs in resources to give you ideas |
Health & Wellbeing |
Physical Activity
Joe Wicks: Youtube PE classes are coming back at 9am on Monday 11th January to help you keep active during lockdown. Joe Wicks – The Body Coach https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Just Dance 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g8_Jd49No4&safe=active My Favourite Resources and Activities for Virtual PE at Home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGPF2YvWmlM&safe=active
New Year let's set some fitness goals. Quick home workout circuit Star Jumps Lunges Press ups Plank Sit ups Level 1 – Complete 1 Round - Work for 30 seconds rest for 1 minute. Level 2 – Complete 2-3 Rounds - Work for 1-minute rest for 1 minute. Level 3 – Complete 4-5 rounds - Work for 1-minute rest for 30 seconds. Resources - PE New Years word doc - Purple
Wellbeing |
Vaccines The UK has become the first country in the world to approve one of the new coronavirus vaccines for widespread use. The vaccine has been made by Pfizer and their partner - BioNtech, they are companies in the US that create medicines.
The arrival of coronavirus has led to lots of changes to the way we all live our lives, as well as lots of new rules about what we can and can't do. Here are some tips: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51896156
Humanities |
Task 1: Traditions around the world. Explore traditions people around the world uphold to ring in the new year with our New Year Traditions Around the World Reading Comprehension Activity. It's a great opening activity to open the door for further research and discussion of different cultures around the world and leads on to Task 2. Worksheets: New Year traditions around the world Task 2: matching activity Here’s a great way for you to have fun learning about how different places around the world celebrate New Year's Eve. This worksheet is easy to print and even easier to use: read the description of a New Year's Eve tradition and match it with the correct location where this tradition is commonly celebrated. Worksheet: new years eve around the world