Cohort 6 - September 2021 - July 2022

Cohort 6

September 2021-July 2022


The 6th cohort of interns on our supported internship have completed the induction and orientation period and have settled into their first departments at the Marriott Hotel. 

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As well as learning the required tasks for their jobs, they are working on the key soft skills required by employers, which includes communication, time management, team work and problem solving.

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Alphy is learning how to clear tables in Carluccio’s restaurant.  She also polishes cutlery, glasses etc. and sets up tables for the next service.


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Callum works in the Conference & Banqueting area, setting up and clearing away refreshment breaks at meetings and events.

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Dhirain takes care of house keeping in the Lobby and other public areas of the hotel. He sanitises all touch points to help keep everyone safe. 


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As part of his role in Engineering, Dominic completes guest room maintenance checks to identify any faults with electrical equipment. 



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Jack is a Linen Porter in the Housekeeping department. He helps the Room Attendants in his team by clearing the used bedding and towels from rooms before they are cleaned.


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Kanal works in M Club Lounge and in the staff canteen. She keeps both areas clean for the guests and staff and refills the coffee machine.

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Sharmarke works with the kitchen team, taking in deliveries, rotating stock and storing food in the correct area. He also helps with basic food preparation. 

We have already seen an improvement in the new group’s confidence and independence and hope this continues to grow as they progress through their internship year.