Art for Pathway 2-4 Pupils
For information on Art for Pathway 1 see Pathway 1 Curriculum.
In Art pupils physical and emotional developmental needs are a real focus at Meadow High School. We encourage them to develop passion for learning and depth of knowledge so that they become independent and excited about exploring the visual world. We offer a range of exciting opportunities to develop a wide variety of skills such as: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Printmaking, Graffiti Art, Mural Art, Graphic Design, Set Design and Prop Making.
Schemes of work are written with the range of pupils’ developmental skills in mind and simultaneously focus on a variety of artistic knowledge and life skills, these include: Sensory & Therapeutic Art, Experimental & Creative Art, Critical Knowledge & Understanding, Historical Art, Recording Research Skills, PSHCE, Contemporary Art & Contemporary Practice, Cross Curricular links including computing, literacy and numeracy as well as thematic links to other subjects.
Please see the Curriculum Matrix for more details of what your child will be studying:
In Key Stage 3
Programmes have been designed in line with the National Curriculum in order to develop greater depth of understanding of basic art skills, improve fine-motor skills and introduce pupils to group activities where they can start to share their own experiences and enjoyment of learning with each other. Pupils are encouraged to develop their passion for the subject and start to explore and develop interest in the wider world, developing their communication skills to start to prepare them for future employment.
In Key Stage 4
Pupils study WJEC Entry Level 2: Creative Media and Performing Arts Course and learn to develop their technical, self expression and experimentation skills .
Entry Level- This broad based practical Art course is designed to improve pupils’ confidence in making and working in teams. Students choosing this Art option should have a passion for the Arts and enjoy experimenting with new ideas and learning new techniques. The course extends and broadens the experience of Art gained by students in the Key stage 3 Art and Design. It is a subject that rewards creativity, initiative and independent thought. Students will not only be expected to develop their own art practice but should also be prepared to learn to work with others. Pupils are encouraged to start to think of ways that art can be used in future employment and develop their interest in the wider world.
Emphasis is placed on wider thinking related to the environment, recycled art, self expression, team work, healthy living, sensory experiences and the role of craft and performance.
In Key Stage 5
Pupils study Entry Level 3 or GCSE Fine Art.
In Entry Level 3 WJEC: Creative Media and Performing Arts Course pupils follow a broad curriculum which combines Entry level work and group projects which are not part of the accreditation but which are aimed at developing pupils' ability to work together to develop their team working skills. This is done to enhance pupils confidence, helping support their overall development future employability.
Entry Level 3 Projects focus on developing more refined application of skills whilst also encouraging pupils to develop very personal responses to projects. Pupils are encouraged to develop their passion for learning and exploring the world around them, they are encouraged to improve their ability to use their imagination and problem solve and develop interest in wider political and global issues, thinking about cities of the future and what we can do to help save the planet!
In Key Stage 4 and 5 Over the two year cycle the courses pupils will covers some of the following disciplines:
Installation Art
Painting and Drawing
3D making
App. Photoscape, Photoshop Design
Historical Research, Filming and ICT
GCSE and AS Level
GCSE and AS Level art is a real strength in the school and gives more able pupils the freedom to develop complete ownership of their learning and independence. Pupils are encouraged to select their own subject matter and learn a wide range of art skills, experiment with a broad variety of media and learn to critically analyse their work and the work of other artists within a historical context. Pupils should select this course if they are considering a career involving the arts or have a real passion for following personal projects.
GIfted and Talented Studio Time
For more able students we offer supportive art clubs and studio time to give them extra time to explore their personal ideas and projects with support from specialist staff. Key Stage 4 & 5 art Entry Level 3, GCSE and AS Level also offer an extra 1.5 hours a week studio time in order to have greater time to explore and research personal projects and develop depth of understanding.
Miss C Kepinska - Faculty Lead, Arts