Welcome Letter From Mrs Rigby, Headteacher

Dear Families
Welcome to the Academic Year 24 / 25!
I hope you all had some good times over the summer. I have enjoyed chatting with pupils, hearing about the fun things they have done and places they visited. France, Germany, Spain, Kenya, Ethiopia and Eritrea being a few that were mentioned!
Thank you for getting your child back to school and with the correct uniform and equipment. We know that this can be a particular challenge for some families and children.
However, help is available!
- If you are having any issues with school uniform, you can contact your child's form team or our reception team for assistance.
- If you are having difficulties with getting your child into school on time, or at all, please contact your child's form team or Toni, our new Attendance Officer, for assistance.
- If you need to discuss your child's personal care needs or their medication requirements, please contact Rita, our new Welfare Officer.
- If you are having difficulties with school transport, this is contracted by the London Borough of Hillingdon (not by the school) and they are available on 01895 250008.
- If your child accesses school transport, and you are ready for them to start travel training, please speak to their form team in the first instance.
People to note:
- Form Tutor and Teaching Assistant - usually your first port of call for most issues and communication
- Keri - Safeguarding
- Toni - Attendance
- Rita - Welfare
- Reception Team - school menu (also available on our website), school uniform, parent pay, general queries
- Assistant Heads - persistent issues
- Deputy Heads - unresolved persistent issues
- Headteacher - complaints about unresolved persistent issues, concerns about an adult working with children
- Chair of Governors - complaints about the Headteacher
Please note that staff may not always be immediately available to talk to you should you contact the school. We strive to answer emails within 5 working days and phone messages within 24 hours. To help our Reception Team ensure that your query or concern is directed to the correct person, you will be asked what your call is regarding.
Car park
Thank you for respecting our rules around family cars on site. Unless you have an agreed prior arrangement authorised by a Deputy or Headteacher, family cars should only be on site:
- upto 8.30am for kerbside drop off (no parking available)
- between 9.30am and 2.30pm for late arrivals, pickups for appointments etc
- after 3.30pm for end of day pick up.
To safeguard our pupils and teach them road safety, we ask that all staff and family members and visitors use the two crossing points outside school. We would rather you are a couple of minutes late for school than a child early to Heaven!
Help us to help you
If there are changes in your child's life, positive or otherwise, please let us know they may need to be handled with extra care. You don't have to tell us everything, just that your child may be finding things additionally challenging.
We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year. May I wish you all a calm and relaxing weekend.
Kind regards
Mrs J Rigby
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