Pathway 1 - Residential Trip to Centre Parcs

We enjoyed a lovely trip to Centre Parcs last Monday 13th May until Friday 17th May.
We had a great time and did lots of activities, including archery, swimming, laser tag, a Bird of Prey experience, Segway and we walked lots! The trip was an opportunity for our young people to develop their independence, life skills and, for many, it was their first ever time away from home. As part of our activities, we were fortunate enough to celebrate two birthdays.
The activities give all the young people a chance to try something new with their friends and delight in cheering each other on!
"I liked swimming at Center Parcs." Lilly M.
"I liked swimming and bowling. The lodge was good." Austin G.
"I enjoyed bowling, I got a strike. Laser tag was really good, my friend was the winner."
Hamdan M."Centre Parcs was very good fun. I enjoyed holding the Owl." Jayce O.
"I enjoyed everything - rock climbing and boating." Ahmad K.
"I enjoyed the pottery painting and bowling. It was a good trip. I had a party for my birthday." Adam M.
"We went on the bus to centre parcs and when we got there we had our packed lunch, I had chicken strips, apple, grapes and a citrus oasis. We then went shopping to get our food for the lodges and once we was back our lodges were ready and we unpacked all of our stuff. I shared a lodge with Miss McKinley, Miss Evans, Vinaay, Kofi and Isiah. The first night we had pizza and chips for dinner. We had yummy dinners such as sausage and mash and chicken and rice. I really enjoyed pancakes and syrup for breakfast, they made me HYPER!
We did many activities at centre parcs such as laser tag, swimming, golf, bowling, and went on the Segway’s and we learnt about owls and was able to hold one on our arm. My favourite activities was bowling and swimming because they were fun activities, especially swimming as we got to go on the water slides, the lazy river and went into the wave pool.
We also celebrated two birthdays at centre parcs. Alicia’s birthday was on Monday and Adam’s birthday was on Thursday. On Adam’s birthday we played squash."
I had the best time at Centre Parcs." Aaran C.
"In Center Parcs I went bowling and swimming. I went on the slide with some friends. I liked the food and watched a Movie on tv at night time." Yusuf K.
"I went to center parks with my friends we did swimming and bowling. We also done archery and laser tag. My favourite thing was bowling. I shared a room with my best friend Vinaay we had a great time. I had some nice food to eat. My best dinner was hot dogs." Kofi D.
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