Harry Potter Day - 2 May 2024

Promoting Literacy:
Harry Potter Day – on the 2nd May
Celebrating our love of Fantasy-Fiction
Harry Potter Day is celebrated around the world. We were delighted that it was on a ‘school day’ so that we could join in, making sure we included all of our fantasy-fiction favourites of course! Why the 2nd May? Other than it makes a very cool rhyme, it is because this is the day Harry Potter finally defeats Lord Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts.
Our library was a hub for fun all week. Students gathered to watch a film, play games and explore our huge selection of books in this genre including researching fun facts linked to the theme.
On Thursday, the school was transformed by the arrival of witches, wizards and even a dark Lord! Spells zinged along corridors – we were so impressed with how many our students knew and also their wand-making skills!
A huge ‘thank you’ to students, parents and staff who helped cast a magical spell over the school. We had a great time. So, until next time, ‘mischief managed’.
More photos are on the website: Our School / Gallery / Harry Potter Day.
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