Celebrating Our Diverse Community: One World – The LEX the Dragon Project


At Meadow High School we have a rich and diverse community of staff and students. As you know, we have recently invested in a wide range of new books for our library to ensure this is fully represented. One World – The LEX Project is an update on a project we ran a few years ago. Our aim is build a school community based on respect and appreciation of the opportunity to learn from each other, enabling our students to ‘achieve together’ and become productive and positive members of society.

If you would like your child to have the opportunity to help paint Lex, complete the attached slip or email asugden@meadowhighschool.org. [Deadline: Fri. 6th October 2023]  Please let us know if you or someone in your family has a connection with another country.  It might be they 

  • moved to live in another country
  • lived in another country for a while,  
  • go on holiday to a country regularly
  • moved from another country to live here
  • a family history links to another country   

It will be lovely to gain a picture of just what a global community we are. Last time we had connections with 44 countries – let’s see if we can beat that this time! If you replied the last time we sent this letter, we have noted your response, please don’t worry.

We will make sure all students who reply have the opportunity. to help paint Lex 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

 Mrs. Sugden                                               Ms Sojka                                                 
English & Communication                         EAL & Reading Intervention Manager           
Faculty Lead 

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