Pathway 1 - Key Stage 5

2022-2023 KS5 are on cycle 3

2023-2024 KS5 are on cycle 1

2024-2025 KS5 are on cycle 2 


2023-2024 KS5 are on cycle 1

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term



Communication and Life Skills

Using Information

KS5 English focuses on pupils developing and applying their skills in the real world.  English is  taught four times a week.  All aspects are covered: communication, reading and writing.  Pupils are taught by the form tutor and according to their individual needs. More individualised information can be found out by contacting the form tutor.

English Curriculum Cover Sheets

PW1 English


Reading Intervention

Reading Intervention occurs each morning and entails a combination of group, pair and individual reading as well as focusing on writing, communication and comprehension. Pupils learn in different ways and this is reflected in how we offer Reading Intervention.  We run phonics programs, Rapid Readers and Reading and Learning Intervention (RLI). Please contact the pupils form tutor for more personalised information. 

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
    Spring 1 Spring 2  


AQA Entry Levels 1/2 (Three Year Cycle)


Properties of Number
- Unit 1

The Four 

- Unit 7

Calendar and Time
- Unit 5

Consolidation of  skills and knowledge 

Maths Curriculum Cover Sheets

FSC PW1 Maths

FSC PW1 AQA Maths KS4 and KS5

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term



Caring for the Environment

Keeping Myself Healthy / RSE

Pupils in Pathway 1 KS5 have previously covered personal hygiene lower down the school but the focus in KS5 now is for the pupils to be able to take care of as much for themselves as possible.  Pupils will learn about the importance of personal hygiene and practise the various skills needed in order to maintain good personal hygiene.

Pupils will become more aware of the environment around them and the impact they and others have on it.  Pupils will learn to become active citizens in helping to care for the planet. Pupils will be encouraged to take responsibility for the choices they make.

Pupils will explore many aspects of what it takes to be healthy.  Pupils will be encouraged to actively take part in activities which are proven to support being healthy. These activities are from many areas including promoting good hygiene, exercise, and mental health.  There is also a focus of building self esteem to build happy healthy young adults.

PSHCE  Curriculum Cover Sheets

KS5 Cycle 1 Autumn

KS5 Cycle 1 Spring

KS5 Cycle 1 Summer

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Self Help

First Aid / Emergencies

Washing and Folding Clothes

House and Home Skills

Pupils will learn and revise a variety of skills. This includes, being able to ask for help, understanding who can help with what, sort emergencies from non emergencies and apply basic first aid skills.  Pupils will cover personal safety as well as safety in the home. 

Pupils will learn and develop their skills in relation to keeping themselves clean and healthy. Pupils will learn to sort clothes ready for washing, the basics of using a washing machine and then being able to dry and put away clothes. Pupils will practise these skills in order to increase independence.

Pupils will further develop life skills and develop increased independence in the home.  Pupils will practise cooking for themselves and others, cleaning, including washing up and using a washing machine. 


Out in the Community

Road Awareness / Safety Walking

In a Shop

Other / Personal Safety Problem Solving

Pupils will develop their road safety awareness and be out in the local area practising making safe trips to local facilities. Pupils will learn about how to keep themselves safe and what to do when things do not go to plan.  

Pupils will practise making lists of what is needed before then travelling to local shops to shop for the items. Pupils will learn about money and payment as well as explore a range of shops and what they sell.  

Pupils will continue to practise  travelling  safely in the local area, making a variety of journey types. Pupils will develop their communication skills and apply these to real life situations. Pupils will develop their awareness and understanding of keeping safe and what to do when difficulties occur.

Lifeskills Curriculum Cover Sheets

FCS PW1 Life Skills
KS5  Cover Page
Cycle 1 Autumn 1

FCS PW1 Life Skills
KS5  Cover Page
Cycle 1 Spring

FCS PW1 Life Skills
KS5  Cover Page
Cycle 1 Summer



Basic Functions


E-Safety and Consolidation

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge about computer parts and their uses. It also aims to teach the basic functions of Word. The pupils will be able to type words and sentences, change the text and insert shapes and pictures. The pupils will learn to share their interests, likes and dislikes before they type or insert pictures on Word.

This scheme of work teaches what an email is, what people use emails for. This includes sending an email to a friend and staying safe from sharing personal information with strangers. In the end, some pupils will be able to use additional Gmail functions like the Google Calendar, Docs and Drive.

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on what websites are safe or unsafe, what we use the Internet for and the different forms of online communication. They will also learn the risks that are associated with online communication and how to protect themselves. In the end, some pupils will be able to seek support and explain what seems wrong.

Computing Curriculum Cover Pages

FCS PW1 Computing  KS5 Cycle 1 Autumn

FCS PW1 Computing  KS5 Cycle 1 Spring

FCS PW1 Computing  KS5 Cycle 1 Summer


in the Community

Pupils will access a range of sports and activities in the local community accessing facilities such as DASH, local leisure centres and swimming pools. 



Duke of Edinburgh 

DofE is a youth awards programme founded by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The awards recognise adolescents and young adults for completing a series of self-improvement exercises.



Signalong is embedded across all subjects in Pathway 1

Signalong Curriculum
Cover Pages

FSC PW1 Signalong




2024-2025 KS5 are on cycle 2 

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term



Popular Culture


KS5 English focuses on pupils developing and applying their skills in the real world.  English is  taught four times a week.  All aspects are covered: communication, reading and writing.  Pupils are taught by the form tutor and according to their individual needs. More individualised information can be found out by contacting the form tutor.

Curriculum Cover Sheets

PW1 English


Reading Intervention

Reading Intervention occurs each morning and entails a combination of group, pair and individual reading as well as focusing on writing, communication and comprehension. Pupils learn in different ways and this is reflected in how we offer Reading Intervention.  We run phonics programs, Rapid Readers and Reading and Learning Intervention (RLI). Please contact the pupils form tutor for more personalised information. 

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
  Autumn 1 Autumn 2    


AQA Entry Levels 1/2 (Three Year Cycle)


- Unit 4

- Unit 8

- Unit 3

Consolidation of skills and knowledge 

Cover Sheets

FSC PW1 Maths

FSC PW1 AQA Maths KS4 and KS5

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
    Spring 1 Spring 2  


Emotions and Empathy

Different Cultures and Religions

Current Affairs

RSE - Public and Private Relationships

Pupils will work on developing awareness of others and their own emotions. Pupils will explore ways of managing a range of emotions and how to help themselves and understand others.  Pupils will develop an understanding of empathy as well as gaining self-esteem and awareness of looking after themselves. 

Pupils will continue to develop their understanding and knowledge of the different world religions . Pupils will explore stories from different religions and develop their listening and questioning skills. Pupils will develop their ability to look for meaning in stories and consider how  people apply this in their daily lives. 

Pupils will learn  about current affairs in the UK, including the monarchy, prime minister and other recognisable/important people in the UK and wider world. Pupils will explore current news and explore how we access it,  as well as considering how reliable sources of information are. 

Pupils are taught about various aspects including hygiene, managing different types of relationships, public and private, respecting others wishes, power of saying no and staying safe. Pupils are taught according to their needs and understanding so the pupils feel empowered and in control of their lives.  

Cover Sheets


KS5 Cycle 2


KS5 Cycle 2


FCS PW1  PSHCE KS5 Cycle 2 Summer



Self Help

Preparing Food / Meals for Self and Others

Helping my Local Area / Community

Hosting a Party / Celebration

Pupils will cook a variety of foods for multiple purposes.  Pupils will gain independence as well as confidence when cooking. Pupils will learn to be able to follow sequences and instructions to keep safe in the kitchen

Pupils will learn how they can support the local community and take part in activities and events which connect them to the local area. 

Pupils will develop skills in being able to tidy and prepare a house for hosting a celebration. This includes vacuuming, dusting, tidying and mopping. Pupils will also prepare a range of drinks and foods ready to serve at a celebration.  


Out in the Community


Road Awareness / Safety

Train / Tube

Road Awareness / Safety

Travel Planning

Other / Personal Safety

Problem Solving

Pupils will develop their road safety awareness and general awareness of keeping safe when out and about.  Pupils will make trips via bus around the local area and gain skills in travelling by bus with greater independence.   Pupils will consider what to do in an emergency situation. 

Pupils will develop their road safety awareness and general awareness of keeping safe when out and about.  Pupils will make trips via train/tube around the local area and beyond and gain skills in travelling by train/tube with greater independence.   Pupils will consider what to do in an emergency situation.

Pupils will continue to develop their independence by travelling by a range of transport.  Pupils will be involved in planning journeys and ensuring they can get back safely.  Pupils will ensure they can ask for help in a safe way and further develop independence and self help skills.


ICT in Society

Accessing Websites

Internet Research

ICT and Photography

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on what ICT is and the names and uses of ICT devices. It also aims to teach how ICT is used in society and its importance. In the end, some pupils will be able to interview people in society to answer relevant questions.

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on how to search for information on the Internet, how to use Google maps and how to access online shopping websites. 

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on what photography is, how to take good photos, different ways of taking photos and the importance of asking for permission before taking a photo. It also aims to teach how to use photography software to create a photo slideshow and edit photos. In the end, the pupils will develop language skills relevant to photography.

Sports in the Community

Pupils will access a range of sports and activities in the local community accessing facilities such as DASH, local leisure centres and swimming pools. 


Duke of Edinburgh 

DofE is a youth awards programme founded by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The awards recognise adolescents and young adults for completing a series of self-improvement exercises.



2022-2023 KS5 are on cycle 3







Signs and Symbols

Everyday Writing


KS5 English focuses on pupils developing and applying their skills in the real world.  English is  taught four times a week.  All aspects are covered: communication, reading and writing.  Pupils are taught by the form tutor and according to their individual needs. More individualised information can be found out by contacting the form tutor.

Reading Intervention

Reading Intervention occurs each morning and entails a combination of group, pair and individual reading as well as focusing on writing, communication and comprehension. Pupils learn in different ways and this is reflected in how we offer Reading Intervention.  We run phonics programs, Rapid Readers and Reading and Learning Intervention (RLI). Please contact the pupils form tutor for more personalised information. 

Curriculum Cover Sheets PW1 English


AQA Entry Levels 1/2 (Three Year Cycle)

Measurement - Unit 6

The Four Operations - Unit 2

Consolidation of 

skills and knowledge

Maths Curriculum
Cover Sheets

FSC PW1 Maths

FSC PW1 AQA Maths KS4 and KS5



Personal Details

Leisure at Home




Hope for the Future

Pupils will extend their knowledge and awareness of what personal details are and what they mean for them individually.  Pupils will learn and apply when and where personal details are needed to be shared and when they are private and what this means. Pupils will learn and practice how to keep personal information safe and explore wider issues regarding personal safety. 

Pupils will look towards their future beyond Meadow and begin to consider what they would like from their lives and how they can enrich their own life.  Pupils will explore a range of activities they can access in their leisure time and consider how they make them feel and if they think it would be a good thing to continue beyond school.  

Pupils are taught about various aspects including hygiene, managing different types of relationships, public and private, respecting others wishes, power of saying no and staying safe. Pupils are taught according to their needs and understanding so the pupils feel empowered and in control of their lives.  

Pupils will practice how to keep themselves safe and what to do in different scenarios. Pupils will learn these skills in different contexts, both in school and the wider community.  Pupils will learn to be able to read signs and situations in order for them to make safer choices. 

Pupils will further their knowledge and understanding of both theirs and others emotions. Pupils will learn the importance of keeping healthy and focus on their wellbeing including mental health.  Pupils will further explore ways to support their wellbeing and personal growth and consider options for their future.


Self Help

Having a Friend Over

Cooking Meals for Self and Guests

Bedroom and Bathroom

Pupils will learn to plan for having a visitor. This includes planning the food required, preparing food and drink for a guest, as well as ensuring the house is clean and tidy. Pupils will also clean and tidy after the visitor has left. Pupils will learn the importance of being prepared and strategies they can use to help with this.   

Pupils will learn and practise skills related to the cleaning of bathrooms and bedrooms. Pupils will learn why it is important to clean these areas and how to do it properly. Pupils will be aware of safety and methods when increasing their skills.

Pupils will learn and practise skills related to the cleaning of bathrooms and bedrooms. Pupils will learn why it is important to clean these areas and how to do it properly. Pupils will be aware of safety and methods when increasing their skills.


Out in the Community

Road Awareness / Safety

In Town

In a Cafe

Fast Food Outlet


Food Stall

Pupils will develop their road safety awareness and general awareness of keeping safe when out and about.  Pupils will make trips around the local area and gain skills in travelling with greater independence. Pupils will consider what to do in an emergency situation and be able to make safer choices. 

Pupils will explore numerous facilities in the local area, both travelling to and learning how to access them. Safety will be taught and practised so pupils develop self awareness and their ability to keep themselves safe.

Pupils will be travelling to a range of places which serve food and drink.  Pupils will develop skills in selecting, ordering, paying and understanding what is required.  Pupils will develop their communication to enjoy the social side of eating and being with friends. Pupils will also learn to consider their food choices. 


Basic Functions (word)

Use of Ipads


Accessing Websites

Internet Research

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on computer parts and their uses. It also aims to teach the basic functions of Word. The pupils will be able to type words and sentences, change the text and insert shapes and pictures. The pupils will learn to share their interests, likes and dislikes before they type or insert pictures on Word.

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on how to use an Ipad. The pupils will learn how to take photos and videos using an Ipad and the importance of asking for permission before they take a photo. In the end, the pupils will be able to edit their photos and also search for information online.

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on what websites are safe or unsafe, what we use the Internet for and the different forms of online communication. They will also learn the risks that are associated with online communication and how to protect themselves. In the end, some pupils will be able to seek support and explain what seems wrong.

This scheme of work aims to teach, recap and extend knowledge on how to search for information on the Internet, how to use Google maps and how to access online shopping websites. In the end, some pupils will be able to become independent travellers and order stuff online.

Sports in the Community

Pupils will access a range of sports and activities in the local community accessing facilities such as DASH, local leisure centres and swimming pools. 


Duke of Edinburgh 

DofE is a youth awards programme founded by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The awards recognise adolescents and young adults for completing a series of self-improvement exercises.