Vision & Aims
Vision and Aims
of Meadow High School
We will provide a safe, challenging and stimulating environment for pupils in our school. We will help those pupils become confident young adults, maximising their abilities and developing their skills to allow them to be happy and contribute to society in their ‘Life Beyond Meadow’.
Our pupils and staff will love coming to school and will be respectful to all members of the community
Meadow will be a safe, welcoming environment which celebrates diversity
Everyone in our school will work together to learn and grow
We will teach relevant subjects and provide extra-curricular activities in an inspiring way to educate our pupils with skills relevant to their Life after Meadow
What we teach will be driven by our pupils' EHCPs and will develop their academic, social, emotional and communication skills
We will achieve excellence in our provision of therapeutic services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy
We will always look to improve, adopting best practice, listening to our pupils, families and staff as we strive for the best for our pupils
We promise to:
have high aspirations and expectations for all our pupils
work tirelessly to ensure that individuals achieve their personal best
encourage independence, life skills, self-confidence and positive self-esteem
help our pupils to become confident individuals living fulfilling lives in the community
support our pupils to prepare and successfully transition adulthood
have an inclusive community, which values truth, diversity and mutual respect
have effective communication with all parents/carers and other partners
recognise and celebrate the achievements of all
support pupils to develop self-regulation and resilience
ensure that pupils have a ‘voice’ within their learning and the school community
support pupils to develop transferable skills, so they can recognise tasks they can do independently and seek support for those they need help with
work towards every child and young person in our school, whatever their circumstance or ability having a sense of belonging, feeling respected and being valued for who they are
British Values
At Meadow High School our ethos, vision and aims are underpinned by British Values. These are encouraged and taught across the school and particularly in PSHE and RS.
The Rule of Law
- Democracy
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
- We treat everybody equally
- We understand right from wrong
- We understand the consequences of our actions
- We listen to and respect other people's opinions and values
- We try to help people
- We know that we are all special
- We understand and respect the roles of people who may help us
- We respect the culture and beliefs of others