Seasons For Growth

At Meadow High School we run a  Seasons For Growth Programme with selected pupils.  The Seasons For Growth Co-ordinators are Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Monaghan.    

What does the Seasons For Growth Programme do?

This programme is an opportunity for young people aged 6-18 years to:

  • Learn about the effects of significant change in their lives.
  • Examine how changes in family structure because of death, separation or divorce can be accompanied by a sense of loss.
  • Understand it is normal to experience a range of emotions because of loss.
  • Develop new skills in coping with their feelings andother grief reactions.
  • Appreciate and nurture their strengths and gifts.
  • Participate in a group with a caring adult and peers.

Seasons for Growth is an educational programme - it does not provide counselling or therapy.

Seasons for Growth is about the individual and his/her own responses to change and loss.  It does not focus on the circumstances or issues which are private to your family.

Confidentiality is strongly emphasised.

How does the Seasons for Growth Programme work?

There are different levels of the programme for Primary and Secondary age children.

The programme is facilitated in small groups of children accompanied by an adult called a "Companion".

Seasons for Growth explores important concepts such as change, loss, feelings, coping, memories, decision making and support networks.

Seasons for Growth works because what young people learn in the programme they take with them for life.

Most importantly, Seasons for Growth is an enjoyable, creative, safe learning experience.

What can I do ?

Children tend to express loss and grief through their behaviour.  They act out their feelings and emotions.  We cannot always know what they are thinking or feeling.

Take cues from their behaviour.  Tune into what is going on for them.

Young people react to change and loss in very different ways.  Withdrawal, aggression, anxiety, anger, sadness, guilt and regression are just some of the signs of grief.

Be understanding and help them find constructive ways to cope with these reactions.

When young people are grieving they may have short attention spans and difficulty concentrating.

What children don't know they will often make up or guess.

Give clear, simple, truthful information in words the young person can understand.


If you think the Seasons for Growth Programme could help your child, please speak to Mrs Mitchell or Mrs Monaghan.   


You can find out more about Seasons for Growth on