Year 8




Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term



Magazine Project

The Iron Man


Harry Potter

To develop students’ understanding of media and non-fiction texts.  Through research, students will work to develop their knowledge of content, layout and audience in relation to teenage magazines.


To work as part of a team to produce their own teenage magazine.  They will have to consider the audience, content and layout.  

The aim of this module is to give students the opportunity to explore the narrative of the ‘The Iron Man’ focusing on identifying main characters and key moments in the story as well as taking part in discussion of key themes. Students will use this unit to develop their writing skills and understanding of the use of language through a variety of tasks.  Students will use an abridged version of the story (with additional picture cues) to increase their reading skills through a variety of tasks.  In addition, speaking & listening opportunities in this module will include drama work as well as discussion of what has happened, and prediction of what might happen next. 

To introduce students to the skills required to understand and interpret poetry.  In addition, to focus on introducing students to basic poetic devices and terminology.  Students will also take part in a research project on ‘cats’. Students will then work to use what they have learnt to create their own cat character and produce their own poem (acrostic or verse).  Finally, students will take part in a drama piece as their character to explore what happens when the characters meet.

The aim of this module is to explore the first book in the Harry Potter series called ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’. Students will be taking part in a range of activities to help them develop their thinking on the issues that are raised in the story.  Speaking & Listening, Reading, and Writing tasks will allow students to develop their comprehension skills and understanding of the story.

English Curriculum Cover Sheets


Yr 8 SoW FCS Magazine Project
Yr 8 SoW FCS Magazine Project
Yr 8 SoW FCS Magazine Project
Yr 8 SoW FCS
The Iron Man
Yr 8 SoW FCS
The Iron Man
Yr 8 SoW FCS
The Iron Man
Yr 8 SoW FCS
Yr 8 SoW FCS
Yr 8 SoW FCS
Yr 8 SoW FCS
Harry Potter
Yr 8 SoW FCS
Harry Potter
Yr 8 SoW FCS
Harry Potter

Reading Intervention

Reading Intervention occurs each morning and entails a combination of group, pair and individual reading as well as focusing on writing, communication and comprehension. Pupils learn in different ways and this is reflected in how we offer Reading Intervention.  We run class based phonics programs and reading schemes (Rapid Readers). Please contact the pupils form tutor for more personalised information.

Signing and Communication

Revise Core Skills

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Active Lifestyle


Pets, Farm and Working


Wild Animals, Hot and Cold Places

My Pet

(for Hogwarts)

Signing & Communication lessons aim to enhance students' communication skills, broaden their vocabulary as well as build and embed their ability to use language in a socially meaningful way. The 'Communication' element focuses on individual PLIM targets: 'Signing' refers to Signalong, the modern language we study, which supports students to have the skills to communicate effectively with others both in school and the wider community.  All students work to gain accreditation for these skills in Key Stage 4, taking this learning journey further in Key Stage 5 as one of the options offered.

To support students to develop their Speaking, Listening and Social Communication skills through a variety of tasks and activities designed to enhance their communication skills, broaden their vocabulary, build and embed the student’s ability to use language in a socially meaningful way. The key aim is to support students to gain confidence, relevant skills and a desire to communicate with others and provide language for life and learning. 

 For Year 8 students to build on core signing and communication skills gained in Year 7 to support life and learning focusing on developing greater confidence, independence and clear comprehension.

Signalong Curriculum Cover Sheets

KS3 Year 8 PoS + SoW.docx

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2







Statistics/ Measure

Place Value and Fractions

Money and Time

Addition and Subtraction

Shape, Position and Direction

Multiplication and Division 

Data and Information

Length, Height, Weight, Capacity and Temperature

Maths Curriculum
Cover Sheets

Maths Curriculum Matrix

Maths KS3 PoS SOW Cover Page

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Religious Education


The Old Testament



Religious Education Cover Pages

Year 8
Old Testament

Year 8

Year 8

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


English Civil War

The Great Fire of London

Victorian Schools

Victorian Britain

History Curriculum Cover Pages


History SOWCS
Year 8 Autumn 1 English Civil War 

History SOWCS Year 8 Autumn 2 Great Fire of London

Year 8
Spring 1 & 2
Victorian Schools 

Year 8
Summer 1 and 2 Victorian Britain

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Frozen and Desert Landscapes

Climate Change and Fragile Environments

Hydrology, coasts and rivers

Geography Curriculum Cover Pages


Year 8
Frozen and Desert Landscapes

Year 8
Climate Change_
Fragile Environments

Year 8
Summer 1 and 2 Hyrdology, coasts and rivers

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Learning Intention: 
Roles and responsibilities:

The things people do.

The different jobs people do and what having a job involves.

Learning Intention:  Active Citizen:
On the cheap 

Spending decisions and why items might be cheaper than usual.

Learning Intention:  Active Citizen: Caring for the environment

To understand how to care for the environment. 

Learning Intention:  Health and lifestyle: Having good road sense

What having good road awareness means and how to stay safe.

Learning Intention:  Active Citizen:
Knowing the difference between white lies and big lies

To discuss and explore different sorts of lies that might be told
To develop a deeper understanding of the different sorts of lies and their level of seriousness

Learning Intention:  Health and Lifestyle: Your image, messages and signals.

What we wear for different settings.


Learning Intention:  Health and lifestyle:

Who the Emergency services are and when to call them.

Learning Intention
St Johns Ambulance session

To understand the basics of first aid -such as cuts, grazes, bumps, falls, burns, fainting.

What to do in the event of an emergency and how to know it is an emergency.

Learning Intention: . Wider community: Talking History

To understand what people did in the past.


Learning Intention:  Wider Community: Helping hands

Who can help us in the
community and where to go
for support.
PHSE Curriculum
Cover Sheets

Y8 Autumn 1

Y8 Autumn 2

Y8 Autumn 3

Y8 Autumn 4

Y8 Spring 1

Y8 Spring 2

Y8 Spring 3

Y8 Summer 1

Y8 Summer 2

Y8 Summer 3

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2



Materials and their behaviour


States of Matter


The Environment


Earth and the Universe


Organisms, Behaviour and Health




Organisms, Behaviour and Health

Food Chains, Food Webs and Variation of Species


Electricity and Forces

Energy and Magnets


Scientific Enquiry


Students will have the opportunity to learn and extend their understanding of the health and safety in the Laboratory .This unit develops an understanding of the different properties of solids, liquids and gases, the water cycle,compounds and mixtures.  By using this knowledge they will go on to identify hazards in the laboratory, this also provides opportunities to introduce the methods of working in a science laboratory, which will differ from the science learning experience that most students will have had previously.To recall the three states of matter; To recognise properties of s,l,g using a simple model or analogy; know the particle arrangement in each.

Students will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the  natural causes and the impact mankind can affect climate change. This includes the impact of human activity and the importance of biodiversity. This unit looks at ecosystems and the factors that affect them. This unit builds on work from Year 7 on the Solar System and looks at the Earth, including the seasons and the Earth’s magnetic field and gravity. It also looks at the Solar System and what is beyond the Solar System.

Students will have the opportunity to further extend their learning and  understanding of the characteristics of living things.That cells are the fundamental building blocks of living things and that cells become specialised to suit their functions.The skeleton,the different  food groups and their importance in our diets. By using this knowledge they will go on to design a model of a human skeleton and design a healthy pack lunch.

Students will further their  learning and understand what is meant by ‘species’ and that there is variation within the same species. This is an extension of what they have learnt from year 7. To extend their understanding about predator/prey  relationship and their adaptations.To recap and further their understanding on food chains and to understand how energy moves in food chains

To gain further understanding of what is meant by the term 'stored energy’, and that different foods contain different amounts of stored energy.To understand that some materials transfer energy better than others.To explain how to tell when an electric circuit is complete and recall electrical components and symbols used in Science to identify them.

To extend their understanding of how we hear sound and how the ear works and to recap knowledge of forces in context of magnets.

Students will have the opportunity to learn and extend their understanding of the different  types of rock; and gain more understanding of how the rate of cooling affects the size of crystals formed.The will Investigate how sound is absorbed better by some materials than others.They will extend their learning from year 7 what they have learnt and  investigate floating and sinking by designing their own rafts and test to see which will hold the highest number of coins or weights.To make a solution,recall what dissolving means and investigate the variables that affect the rate of of dissolving.

They will further their understanding of ‘ how Science works’ by carrying out a set of STEM investigations. The emphasis of KS3 is on practical and investigative work with a constant effort to relate what we teach to the world around them.

Science Curriculum Cover Pages


Year 8 - Autumn Term - Science SOW Cover Sheet

Year 8 - Spring Term - Science SOW Cover Sheet 

Year 8-Summer Term  
Science SOW Cover Sheet 

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Cyberbullying and E Safety

Online Safety Rules and Social Media

Effective and Safe Online Internet Research

  • What is cyberbullying and how to prevent it.

  • Devices that can be used to cyberbully.

  • Definitions of cyberbully, victim and bystander.

  • Types of cyberbullying and scenarios.

  • Who to report cyberbullying to and how it is dealt with at MHS.

  • Passwords and how to make strong and effective passwords.

  • Computer viruses and how to protect your devices including from spam emails and adverts on games.

  • SMART internet safety rules.

  • Personal information-what is it and who can we share it with.

  • How to use the internet safely looking at specific scenarios including chatrooms and social media.

  • Types of social media mainly WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok how we can stay safe using these apps.

  • Scenarios of inappropriate social media use and how to behave appropriately on social media including age, privacy settings, talking to strangers etc.

  • Fake news- what is it and how can we identify reliable websites and online sources of information.

  • Digital footprints and why things can never be deleted online.

  • Use technology purposefully to manipulate and retrieve digital content.

  • Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about the internet or something they have seen online.

  • Evaluate how reliable the information is they have found online.

Curriculum Cover Sheets

Year 8 - Term 1 -
Computing SOW
Cover Sheet.docx 

Year 8 - Term 2 -
Computing SOW
Cover Sheet.docx

Year 8 - Term 3 -
Computing SOW
Cover Sheet.

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Resistant Materials

6 weeks taught on alternative carousel with Food Technology

Exploring Materials 

Wood and Metal

Design and Make a Tealight

Design and make a Wire loop steady hand game

Book Ends Project

This project is about metals ferrous and non ferrous . Students will learn the difference between these categories of metals and their characteristics. Students will learn about aluminium and how to bend and rivet it. They will also learn how to put a pattern in the aluminium. The project is a tea light holder and will be used to aid the learning.

This Unit will re-introduce students to  electronic components and build on yr 7 in the way they can be used to form a circuit and the development of soldering skills and design.

This project is about Softwoods and manufactured wood boards  . Students will learn the difference between the different categories of woods including manufactured boards and their characteristics. Students will learn about MDF, and  Pine , and how to join it using a lap joint. They will also learn how to cut a complex shape and use an electric fretsaw.

Resistant Materials Curriculum Cover Sheets Y8 - Autumn Term - Project 1 Y8 Spring Term -
Project 2
Y8 Summer Term -Project 3
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Food Technology

6 weeks taught on alternative carousels with Resistant Materials

Food Group 

Fruit and Vegetables

Cooking Skills

Using Fruit and Vegetables

Design and Make a Stir Fry Meal

Students will be learning about fruit and vegetables this term. They  begin to gain an understanding of the importance and value fruit and vegetables have in our diet.  They will not only look into the nutritional value but how fruit and veg are grown. They have an opportunity to taste test exotic fruit and explore using their senses. They then go on to use a variety of fruit and veg to make different dishes where they can continue working on their culinary skills.

Students will continue learning about the fruit and vegetables and practice their culinary skills whilst using these foods. Students will have an opportunity to also practice certain culinary skills to build on the confidence in the kitchen.  They will learn about seasonal foods and where these foods are sources. Students will also have theory based lessons on fats and oils. They will learn about the importance of this food group and the negative effects it may have if we have too much of it.

Students will have the opportunity to learn and extend their understanding of the different food groups and their importance in our diets. They will be focusing mainly on Fruit and Vegetables. They will be looking further into how they are grown, the structure of plants and what is the difference between fruit and vegetables.  By using this knowledge they will go on to designing and make a Stir Fry Meal where they will explore the different healthy options, as well gain understanding of how to build their own balanced meal.

Food Technology Curriculum Cover

Year 8 (Autumn) -
FT SOW Cover Sheet

Year 8 (Spring) -
FT SOW Cover Sheet

Year 8 (Summer) -
FT SOW Cover Sheet

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Physical Education 



Ball Skills

Swimming (on carousel) - TBC



Outdoor Walking

Cross Country

Indoor Athletics

Team Games: Winning & Losing


Ball Skills

Swimming (on carousel) - TBC



Outdoor Walking 

Cross Country

Balance & Co-ordination


Swimming (on carousel) - TBC




The activities suggested vary in difficulty and teachers will select the appropriate ones for their group and differentiate accordingly. Learning within PE utilises spiral learning, so key concepts and skills are retaught each time to counter regression and then to increase difficulty.

PE Curriculum
Cover Pages

PE - Basketball 7-14 Autumn

PE - Football 7-11 Autumn

PE - Indoor Athletics - Autumn

PE - Team Games - Winning & Losing - Autumn

PE - Balance & Co-Ordination - Spring

PE - Ball Skills - Autumn Spring

PE - Panathlon Sports 7-14 Autumn_ Spring

PE - Gymnastics 7-11 Autumn_ Spring

PE - Handball 7 - 11 Spring

PE - Fitness 7-14 Spring 

PE - Uni-Hoc 7 -11

PE - Cross Country 7-13 Autumn_ Summer

PE - Athletics 7-11

PE - Cricket 7-11 Summer

PE - Rounders 7-11 Summer

PE -Swimming 7-8 Sep-Feb_ Feb-Jul


Arts Carousel Key Stage 3:
Year 8


Art & Design


Learning Intention : Buildings, Shapes & Architecture

The Intention of this painting and 3D Making Scheme of work is for pupils to develop awareness of the world around them. They are introduced to famous Artists such as Mondrian and Kandinsky and they learn to spot how their work has influenced modern Architecture. Pupils are encouraged to make links between shapes, colours and styles of art and develop their ability to spot shapes and art styles in buildings around them and their city. More able pupils will start to form links between types of materials used and construction. They develop understanding of how art can be used for the purpose of building, design and Architecture. The intention is to  develop pupils' imagination and ability to describe the world around them, make comparisons  and start to draw conclusions.

Curriculum Cover Sheets Year 8 Art and Design Cover sheet

Art & Drama

Art & Design, Art and Drama and Dance are Taught on a termly rotating carousel -please speak to your child’s Form Tutor or contact the Arts Faculty Leader for further information

Learning Intention: ’Puppets, Props & Stunts’

The purpose of this project is to develop process making, peer interaction and decision making skills. In the first half of the project pupils explore 3D making. They decide if they want to make a 3D puppet or a prop. They research characters to develop their own ideas and follow step by step demonstrations showing them how to  create the shape of their Puppet or Prop out of newspaper/Paper Mache. Pupils build confidence and resilience through exploring a variety of new materials and making processes. They study a range of characters and Learn about stunts and body movement. Pupils learn to explore paint application processes for 3D prop design and develop their knowledge of  Collage and movement in Art looking at the figures and abstract patterns by Matisse. They learn about body movement in Tai Chi and the wellbeing/mental health benefits of this type of activity. Pupils also learn about Roy Lichtenstein’s Pop Art explosions and develop their acting skills through discussing comics, creatively exploring actions and reactions and learn to make sound effects using their Props or Puppets as a vessel for expression.

Art & Drama Cover Sheets

Year 8 Art & Drama Cover Sheet


Art & Design, Art and Drama and Dance are Taught on a termly rotating carousel -please speak to your child’s Form Tutor or contact the Arts Faculty Leader for further information

Learning Intention:  Jazz Dance

The purpose of this project is for pupils to learn to perform dances using a range of movement patterns. This project focuses on the style and technique of Jazz dance and developing pupils' performance qualities. Students are taught two different Jazz choreographers, Bob Fosse and Jerome Robbins and how each of their styles shaped musical theatre history. 

Dance Curriculum
Cover Sheets

Year 8 Dance Cover Sheet


Year 8

Autumn Term - Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 - Summer Term

Learning Intention:  ‘Music & Songs from different Countries & Cultures’

This unit explores music from different countries and cultures. Students will have the opportunity to learn about  a traditional East African Song and learn to sing in Swahili, they will learn notation for the Pentatonic scale and learn to play Chinese songs as well as music from the West, American Pop-music using the keyboard. The purpose is to provide pupils with the opportunity to explore Music and songs from a variety of countries and cultures. Pupils learn to sing and appreciate different sounds,  lyrics, scales and qualities of these songs and also learn to explore their language and communication skills.

Learning Intention:  ‘Music in Advertisements‘

As musicians pupils learn to create happy or sad music inspired by an advertisement. The purpose of the project is for Pupils learn to interpret tonality/moods in music and develop composition skills. Pupils build confidence in the ability to develop their own music compositions and share ideas/demonstrate to others.

Music Curriculum
Cover Sheets

Year 8.1 Music SOW cover sheet Year 8.2 Music SOW cover sheet


Enrichment runs Friday lesson 5 and 6 . During this time it allows students the opportunity to experience activities that are not usually available to them. It allows them to develop their own interests and hobbies that they can continue to access at home, in the community or as they move on to other settings. Our students will be mixing with peers outside of their tutor class and year groups so that they can make new friends and mix with a variety of students and different staff which will promote social skills, communication skills and coping with change. 

Most importantly, we are offering students a safe and secure environment to take on new opportunities with supportive staff relationships, so that they have the confidence to attempt new things.