Jargon Buster

There is lots of jargon used in education - words, shortforms, phrases, etc. There are also lots of things we may use in reports which may be confusing. We hope the following will help you. Scroll down to see more.

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder
AFL Assessment for Learning
AHT Assistant Headteacher
APD Auditory Processing Disorder
AQA Assessment & Qualifications Alliance
Examination Board
ARP Additional Resource Provision
ASD/ASC Autistic Spectrum Disorder / Autistic Spectrum Condition
BSL British Sign Language
BSP Behaviour Support Plan
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CF Cystic Fibrosis
C&G City & Guilds - Examination and Accreditation Board
CIN/CiN Child In Need
CP Cerebral Palsy
CP Child Protection
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CYP Children & Young People
DD Disability Discrimination
DfE Department for Education
DHT Deputy Headteacher
DT Design Technology
EAL English as an Additional Language
ECT Early Careers Teacher
EBD Emotional Behavioural Difficulties
EDEXCEL Pearson Edexcel - Examination Board 
EDUQAS Examination Board 
EFL Evidence For Learning (an app that allows school and home to share photographs and videos of pupils' achievements).
EHCP Education Health Care Plan
ELC Entry Level Certificate (Accreditation)
EP Educational Psychologist
EVC Educational Visits Co-ordinator
FDT Food Design Technology
FE Further Education
FSM Free School Meals
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education (exam)
HI Hearing Impairment
HT Headteacher
HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HYDRO Hydrotherapy
ITT Initial Teacher Training
JCQ Joint Council For Qualifications (
KS 1 Key Stage 1 students aged 5-7 years (years 1-2)
KS 2 Key Stage 2 students aged 7-11 years (years 3-6)
KS 3 Key Stage 3 students aged 11-14 years (years 7-9)
KS 4 Key Stage 4 students aged 14-16 years (year 10-11)
KS 5 Key Stage 5 students aged 16-19 years (Years 12-14) (Sixth Form)
LAC Looked After Children
LBH London Borough of Hillingdon
MFL Modern Foreign Language
MHS Meadow High School
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulties
MSI Multi Sensory Impairment
MT Medical Tracker
NC National Curriculum
NCFE Examination and Accreditation Board
NGRT New Group Reading Test
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
NVQ National Vocational Qualification
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCR Oxford Cambridge & RSA
Examination Board
ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OFSTED The Office for Standards in Education
OFQUAL The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
OT Occupational Therapist
OTT Overseas Trained Teacher

Pathway 1

Pathway 2

Pathway 3

The description used by the school to describe the curriculum that the pupils are following in school- please see the Curriculum pages for more information

PD Physical Disability
PLAC Previously Looked After Child
PDA Pathological Demand Avoidance
PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder
PE Physical Education
PECS Picture Exchange Communication System
PEP Personal Education Plan (only for Looked After Children)
PEEP Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
PHP Positive Handling Plan
PLIMs Personal Learning Intentions Map
PMLD Profound & Multiple Learning Disabilities
PPF Pupil Premium Funding
PRU Pupil Referral Unit
PSHE Personal, Social and Health Education
PSHCE Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
PT Physiotherapist or PHYSIO
RA Risk Assessment
RE Religious Education
RS Religious Studies
RSE Relationship and Sex Education
SALT Speech & Language Therapist
SEMH Severe Emotional and Mental Health
SEN Special Educational Needs
SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (in a Mainstream School)
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services

SGO Special Guardianship Order

Signing system to support oral language development used at MHS

SLCN Speech, Language & Communication Needs
SLD Severe Learning Difficulties
SLT Senior Leadership Team
SpLD Specific Learning difficulty
STEM (subects) Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths
TA Teaching Assistant
TAF Team Around the Family
VI Visual Impairment
VMI Visual Motor Integration
Vocational Pathways  
WEX Work Experience
WOW World of Work
WJEC Welsh Joint Examination Council - Examination Board
WRL Work Related Learning